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the Doffy v Luffy finale


Elite cobra

Doffy defeated now for the final 8 or so episodes of dressrosa left


The 2nd episode may have felt unnecessary, but we have to remember, the entirety of Dressrosa went on for 2 years. Those who watched it as the episodes released weekly would feel more emotion from that episode than those who watched it all at once. It was more to make the watchers breathe a sigh of relief that they made it to the end. There’s an episode like that at towards the end of Wano ( not a spoiler) that gave me the exact feeling that I described. These type of episodes are essential for the watching experience. Sorry for the quick yap session.

Tobias Reinhold

Not gonna lie, many other people also assumed that Doffy was potentially still able to fight - at least at first. That's why Oda included the broken glasses. If a character has such an iconic accessory and it manages to withstand literally everything thrown at it, then this accessory getting destroyed is the visual indication that they have finally been defeated. It's all about the symbolism, which Oda handles very well.


I can't wait for the WIT remake, 2-3 chapters per episode I hope. Fixing the pace is a must !


I’m so excited for the next 2 arcs rahhhh


Yeah the Navy kneeling/bowing infront of anyone is a big Deal, since they are right under the Government which is above all. And that is why Fujitor broadcastes the whole thing to the neighbouring countries, so that they can take the news and spread it. Because of Fujitora didn't do that the Navy/World Government would've changed the truth to favor themselves. But this comes inhandy for Fujitora who wants to get rid of the Warlords, now he can say "A Warlord did this = Warlords are bad. And it was all the fault of the Navy and World Government who let it happen" And if the whole world finds out about it, people will start to doubt the Navy/World Government. So this was a absolute gigachad move from Fujitora and he has balls of steel for doing it.