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Girls Band Cry Ep. 8 Reaction [FULL]

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Also, what pisses me off about the fan base, is that some of them are saying it’s going the yuri route just because of that “confession”. I took it as, “I love you as a person who inspired me to be what I needed to be”. But even IF it was going the yuri route 🤷🏾‍♂️ So be it, man.


Come on, there is no way that divided them up. Without any context, maybe. But there is no way some people got to yuri conclusion with all the context. I'm sure they are just trolling.


The reason why people are saying this is yuri is because Nina uses the word kokuhaku 告白 when she says she confesses, which quite literally means "confess (with romantic intent in the hope of dating)". When I first watched it I definitely felt it was more of an "I love you bro" kind of vibe, but with that context it's pretty clear.


Ngl, not sure where this "divide" is coming from as I'm not seeing much discourse about that specific aspect of the show (and no, I don't count X or Twitter or w/e you wanna call it... that platform is a cesspool regardless of what topic is brought up). People seem to forget that Jellyfish exists on the same season as well... and coincidentally enough, both animes are music-centric with all girls as the MCs... and surprise surprise, two of them now have an implied romantic relationship after more than half the season has already aired. If the "fanbase" really has to be "divided", then that reflects more the persons complaining than the fanbase as a whole. If they enjoyed the anime up to a certain point, then all of a sudden, their opinions shifted bc yuri/yaoi is involved, then that's really telling of what types of people they are.