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everyone holds off doom for Luffy's return



With the localization and subtitle topic, I think it just really depends where you watch the episode from and who made the subtitles. There is varying quality between all the fan subs out there and the "official" subs.


Doffy got no "typical sad backstory" and thats the refreshing part for me and many others i think. He just is a villain and has his fun with evil stuff there a some people he "loved" but for sure not like a normal person because of the lack of empathy. One thing you have to respect he forgives the people close to him if they fail and he cares for them in his own way.

Stephan Moods

Viola’s “assets” is actually a Toei thing rather than an Oda thing. Yes they are large in the manga as well but Toei just makes them ridiculous, especially with Robin and Nami but most other females too, like Viola and Rebecca

rob bob

I'm at the tier for one piece access but all the other one piece videos are locked for me, please help.


yeah i also never understood how Zoro isn't able to cut the Birdcage... I guess the argument is that if the Devil Fruit wielder is stronger than the person and their Haki that Haki can't effect it. But you want to tell me that none there is strong enough break it? Not even Fujitora? I feel like that is like one of thos Plotholes where it the birdcage would be completely pointless if people could break it, even if based on the logic of the World they should be able to.