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Dead Dead Demons DeDeDeDe Destruction Ep. 0 Reaction [FULL]

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no way it's out already? I'm so excited


you noticed the fact that the anime used real backgrounds in the ED, I find it interesting cuz the author sometimes uses real pictures as his background, and his character art style is very stylized, even with their weird shaped faces they very much remind you of real people you see in real life, when those things come together it makes the manga very immersive, I hope the anime will be as well


ehhhhh idk. On one hand, the new japan whatever group has a name that makes them sound like a terrorist organization. However, they seem to be actively researching the aliens which is good. However, they did just kill two kids for...for what? Operational security? Information security? The aliens don't seem to be actively hostile towards humans, so I'm assuming they were running from something, especially since they got their mothership destroyed