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High School DxD BORN [S3] Ep. 7-8 Reaction [FULL]

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xman t

I can't wait for episode 9. Honestly the best episode in the whole show imo

Bryce Jackson

Aaahhh what a place to stop!!


Hope you guys know episodes 9-12 are anime only filler 😅 episode 0 of season 4 shows what was actually supposed to happen in the light novel for the rest of this season. I like both versions but I hope Joe knows next eps are anime only.


Odin being super OP and super Horny checks out given his Norse Mythology lore.

xman t

Yeah, I know that. Though I actually much prefer season 3 episode 9 to season 4 episode 0


In the dub it’s called Boobylingual


yeah I can understand why. But I'm also glad that season 4 follows the light novel perfectly since this studio rearranged and cut out a bunch of stuff. As someone who's read all 30+ volumes of the novel I like both versions of the season 3 ending.


Next episode is THE episode. I cant wait for next week


it's actually still called that even in sub they just translated it wrong. its "Pai-lingual" which is basically Booblingual