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YOOOO Taiyu is lowkey getting good at this...


Mission: Yozakura Family Ep. 4 Reaction [FULL]

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Shane x Masters

I’m from England and I’ve seen someone walking around the street with a rusty old looking machete People are wild


Joe, I have always been of the belief that titties are titties. For the most part. I do feel the face has to go in line with them to some degree. But monster girls with big titties have pretty much never bothered me. XD

Kazuki Ohira

They got rid of an entire arc from the manga... I hope it's just a reshuffle instead of an erasure cause it was a really good and important arc they got rid of. Like an actual plot arc instead of the random event shenanigans.


Did they? I wasn't aware of anything being skipped over as I'm watching this, it's still really early.