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Ragna Crimson Ep. 24 Reaction [FULL]

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It's not paradoxical rly. I assume the Dragon God is a type of Conceptual Lifeform, so based on various other franchises, the Dragon God kinda "exists" in a quantum state rn, not actually fr fr materialized as of this point in time & space, but still technically there on quantum level in an incorporeal form per se (closest example I can think of is No Game No Life, where all Old Deus have always existed (there's an INFINITE amount of them), but they can't manifest until their core Concept has been triggered along w/ different secondary requirements per Concept in the material world). So it's trying to hasten its own manifestation fr fr from this quantum state of existence (and presumably has been for centuries or w/e by now, since Ultimatia is literally the newest Dragon Monarch out of them, replacing Crimson after he did boogaloo vs Dragon God (well tried at any rate, clearly didn't work since this shit is not fixed & the Monarchs aren't pepsi)), and presumably has been trying this since before post-apocalypse, since the world was clearly collapsed by the Dragon Monarchs fucking shit up on global scale, throwing everything into a global stone age of varying tech levels based on RNG (Solarians clearly have similar-ish tech as Crimson does, I bet the flame head is some sick af hologram or w/e special effects, which may or may not be overlayed on some fr fr person using a type of filter, or it could be a worst-case-scenario AI designed at the time when the Monarchs started to wipe shit out globally which caused the post-modern humanity to collapse (we saw some nuking in that early Crimson flashback as him as a pre-teen/young teen w/ some chick). It would make sense this way given how cold & long-term this shit has been going on, if it's run by an AI trying to defeat the apocalypse causer & ensure macroscale survival of Humanity, so it's doing some religious scheming to create zealots w/ theme centered around the Sun, a generic global weakness of the dragons (even Superior Dragons will pepsi if their mana tank is empty & they can't sustain their regen, while inferior dregs just insta-die from exposure like the mindless beasts they are). Wouldn't honestly be the first franchise to pull that type of side-plot for a post-apocalypse setting rly)


Time for Ragna to go hunt the Shadow Monarch