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Hokkaido Gals Are Super Adorable Ep. 12 Reaction [FULL]

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Tbh I was SUPER disappointed with the bait n switch when I read the manga too. They had a real interesting thing goin for a bit, the last episode left us with a twist that managed to be both a genuine gut punch, but somehow still understated. We could've spent a month or two letting Tsubasa grapple with the fact that this is unquestionably a great thing for his close friend, and yet he not only can't bring himself to be happy for her, he's uncontrollably upset about it, which would hurt all the more cuz HE'S THE DIRECT AND SOLE REASON IT HAPPENED. Jesus Christ, the regret and guilt my boy would feel... It's such a realistic and compelling road block to put in their relationship. But nope, bait n switch tee-hee 😜 I'm pretty sure I unironically facepalmed irl when I read it. Not even the goofy smack forehead kind, like my face buried into both of my palms, slouched over at a 30° angle in my chair, lamenting this minor storytelling decision like it lead to the deaths of my loved ones

Stephan Moods

Pretty sure she only went to Korea also so it’s not like she was going the US or Europe or anything


Orrr, we can just have happy things? Also there's the fact that it's literally part of her character to pull something like, "oh it's two weeks".... because her perception of "studying abroad" would definitely be different from Tsubasa's... knowing how she is. So it was really true to her character that happened, and a fucking GOOD thing. It's pretty goddamn lame for sad things to happen merely for the sake of some "storytelling." Who fucking cares about that shit in a romcom? GTFO with that profound deep shit. Save it for an anime that cares. I don't want sad endings in my romcom, nor do I ever care about "what makes good storytelling" blah blah blah. So lame when ppl go on about that bullshit lmao. It's kinda wild and silly you care so much about "storytelling" in a chill and fun romcom. I watch this shit for POSITIVE vibes, not negative vibes. If you wanna be an emotional masochist, go somewhere else lol. Emotional masochists like you who basically believe that every bad thing has to happen for "storytelling" to be "good" peeve the hell outta me.


Just go for sayuri pls. I dont like this stupid bitch. Tf you mean hair pin isnt enough when you didnt even tell him any details and just seemingly ghosted him. Fuck this dumb bitch. Dark hair is always the best. And ALL that drama for just two weeks? Why the hell didnt you say that earlier? Im seriously done with this dumb cunt.