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Serie is a HATER!!!!


Frieren Ep. 27 Reaction [FULL]

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back when i worked in the Liberal Snowflake Paradise /j that is NJ (i live one state away now), my job guaranteed 10 days a year that we could call off work for solely mental health reasons, no doctor's note needed. they told me it was cuz of some law that was passed, but i can't for the life of me find anything about it. maybe it's more for salaried workers? idk either way it was super duper handy when I had a mental breakdown at the office LOL


Honestly, I think Methode is a sure pass. She displayed the most power and mana control out of all of the remaining mages. I liked Denken, but Methode was my favorite. I thought Laufen was cool too, but I kind of foresaw her not making it. She just didn't have First Class mage vibes with the way she fought. I loved the combination of melee and magic being used seamlessly, though. That was dope as fuck! If Ubel doesn't pass, it'll be because of her character. She is an insanely talented mage, but I could see Serie failing her because she's a bit of a murderous psychopath. I think Wirbil will probably pass as well. He, much like Ubel, is super talented. He seems to be a pretty well rounded mage and has leadership and wartime experience. I feel like not passing him would be shortsighted, especially after Serie made that comment about first-class mages being terrible at team work. His whole career as a mercenary captain has been nothing but teamwork. Four eyes... meh. Maybe. I don't know if shadow clone jutsu is enough to put someone in First Class territory. I don't think I see him passing. That and his character design just doesn't scream "I'm going to pass" to me. Yes... all of the books on my shelf look very pretty.