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 Oh? What is this? I just remembered I wrote a thing back in December for a secret santa story exchange event. And although it will soon go live on scribblehub (4/17 and 4/19), I thought I would share the whole thing with ya'll right away in case you haven't bought the itch bundle.

So, without further ado, here it goes.


Chapter 1 - Life:

“This time, for sure,” I mumbled whilst sitting on the wet grass, staring at the night sky.

I wasn’t the only one, of course. People always gathered outside on nights like these. All just to have that minuscule chance of gaining superpowers. What was it? One in a million or something? It didn’t matter. There was always that chance that I could flip my life around by becoming a super.

Just imagining it made me grin. No more flipping burgers, no more getting shouted at by the manager for someone else’s mistake, no more living in a tiny apartment and still struggling to make ends meet.

“Agh, hey!” I gave an angry eye to the guy who just shoved me.

“Move it! I can’t see the sky from here!”

“Shut up! I can barely see it either!”

What a douche! Was he trying to deny me superpowers?! Oh, I would fight him for that any day!

“I said move, you ugly bitch!”

Ugly? Ugly?! Now he crossed the line!

“Who are you calling ugly, you-” I was interrupted.

The sky lit up and the familiar whistle sound reached my ears. Both me and the guy instantly forgot about our conflict and stared at the sky, hoping to spot the green comet.

The few tense seconds felt like hours. Just staring upwards, trying my hardest not to blink. If it happened while I blinked, I would have never forgiven myself.

Finally, as my eyes began to water from the soft wind blowing into them, I saw it. It flashed through the sky in an instant... and it was green.

I sat there for a second, mesmerized, in utter disbelief. I was so used to seeing it be red, that even though I was hoping for it, I wasn’t actually expecting it.

Everyone perceived a different color. Red meant you weren’t lucky, no powers. Blue meant you already had powers. And green meant…

I snapped out of my frozen state, shot out of my sitting position, and turned around. I wasted no time sprinting back home as a huge grin formed on my face, the rude dude completely forgotten.

I had powers! I had powers! I couldn’t believe it! I was free! I could quit my job! Give a middle finger to my manager!

And then! And then...!

Become a Supervillain!

In my excitement, I neglected to pay attention to my surroundings and ran through the street when the lights were red. And naturally, there just had to be that one truck driving through the same space I intended to run through.

I noticed it way too late as I turned my head toward the glaring headlights and the blowing horn. My life flashed before my eyes. Or, uh, something flashed before my eyes... because before I realized it, I was on the other side of the road, watching the truck drive by.

Once again, I fell into a daze. This time, though, I managed to snap out of it quicker and continued running back home, my grin widened so much it began to hurt.

That was a teleport! I could teleport! Holy crap, that was like the best power I could have gotten! I could get in, steal whatever I wanted, and get out, leaving the heroes none the wiser!

I was certain this much grinning would leave my jaw hurting tomorrow, but I didn’t care. My life would change from now on. No more being a bottom-feeder! I would live comfortably as a supervillain and nobody would stop me!

I restrained myself from using my power again until I reached my apartment. It wouldn’t do to out myself already. Well, the truck driver saw me… but he was probably too tired anyway. Yeah, if I was a truck driver and saw a random girl run in front of my truck only to vanish, I would think I was just imagining things.

When I finally reached my place and locked the door behind me, I leaned on the door and looked around my room as my beating heart and my breathing gradually calmed down. The grin on my face just refused to disappear though.

Millions of thoughts ran through my head. The first one I stopped at was testing my powers. What separated the lowly hoodlums from top tier supervillains wasn’t how strong their powers were, but how well they handled their powers.

So, experiment number one. Teleport across the room. I tried to summon the same feeling of urgency as back then, trying to imagine myself on the other side of the room.

And I succeeded. I found myself looking back at the entrance of my apartment from across the room. I began to grin again until I noticed the dim glow following me. It went from the spot where I stood to my new location and slowly dissipated as I watched it.

Dang, I left a trail after teleporting. That meant I could be tracked, which made my teleport significantly worse.

I chewed on my fingernail with a frown. I thought about how to counteract this weakness, but nothing immediately obvious came to mind.

“Ah damn!” I threw the keys I was still holding on top of the bed, but I seriously didn’t expect what happened next.

The keys turned into a ball of light that flashed through space instantaneously, before turning back into keys and stabbing themselves through the mattress. I stared at the keys through the slowly fading trail of light.

“Oh shit.” I was more than just a teleporter. Or rather, I wasn’t a teleporter at all. I made things... accelerate?

My grin returned. I could work with this.


I wasn’t dumb though. No, I knew better than to just dive into robbing places right away. Sure, I wanted to flip my manager off and quit my job already, but this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and I didn’t intend to waste it.

So, for the next week, I’d done some research on the local heroes and brainstormed ways to deal with them. For most of them, escaping would be trivial, unfortunately, I’d found out that they had access to a teleporter jammer. One of the inventor heroes made it.

Now, I was almost certain that my power wasn’t teleportation, but a very quick movement. I still couldn’t discount the possibility of that jammer working on me, however.


If it worked on me, I was powerless, if not, I was invincible. There wasn’t any way to find out without actually trying to use my power whilst under its effects though. And it wasn’t like I could just walk up to the hero headquarters and ask them to help me test it.

I froze up as a thought hit me.

Wait a second… I could go there and ask them to help me test it! I wasn’t a known villain yet! I could infiltrate their ranks, find out all their dirty secrets while I was at it, and test whether the device would work on me! I could destroy them from the inside without them even realizing it! And then I would live comfortably as a villain and there wouldn’t be any heroes to go after me!

I smirked. It was time to plan this out.

Chapter 2 - Expectations:

When imagining a superhero meeting, it had to be inside some secret base with high tech appliances all around and a holographic screen in the middle of a fancy futuristic table, right? Well, not this time, apparently.

After I contacted them, I was invited to their base for an interview. But the base was more like a mansion with a sprawling garden surrounding it. I was pretty sure the only reason this garden existed was Rosepetal, the plant themed inventor hero working in this city.

But I digress. The interview wouldn’t take place inside the building but in the garden. Wooden benches and a picnic table. Sure, why not. I didn’t need a fancy high-tech interview room.

Of course, since I planned on eventually turning on them, I needed to suit up for the job interview to hide my identity. It took me a bit, but I managed to slap together something alright looking in between sleep and work shifts over the last two weeks. All while doing more research on the heroes and testing my powers. I might have sacrificed some sleep in the process, but eh, sleep was overrated.

But anyway! The costume. It was a yellow skintight suit with vertical black stripes (vertical, because horizontal ones make you look fat). I wore a cute black and yellow skirt over it and covered my face with a balaclava painted yellow, my blond ponytail hanging outside of it.

I looked great. Even the onlookers thought so as evidenced by everyone staring at me as I made my way to the hero mansion. Yup, just perfect.

As I arrived at the gates, I rang the bell and waited for a second before a robotic voice greeted me. “Hello, how can I help you?

“Hello. I’m… Blink. I’m here for the interview.”

Acknowledged. Please wear this around your neck and you can enter,” the voice said as a drawer shot out of the wall. It contained a lanyard with ‘GUEST’ written on the tag.

“Umm, okay?” I grabbed the lanyard and put it around my neck as instructed.

Please make sure not to lose the guest tag or you might get hurt by the defense mechanisms.

What? Was this thing some sort of protection charm?


The gate creaked open and I stepped inside. I was in enemy territory now. I wouldn’t be fooled by the pretty flowers and innocent-looking trees. Anything, even the grass here, could have been one of Rosepetal’s creations.

I made my way through the garden until I spotted my two interviewers.

A large man with his arms crossed, dressed in only gray pants. His entire head was encased in a metal box, only letting his eyes peek through. Of course, they would send Gatekeeper to meet me. Even though every plant in my vicinity could have been weaponized, he was still the best safety net in case a fight broke out.

Next to the towering man standing guard, a woman was sitting on a bench next to a picnic table with her legs crossed, looking in my direction. She wore a crimson cloak and a domino mask. Her wavy brown hair extended up to her shoulders.

So Monarch was the other person, huh? She was smoking hot, that was for sure. Even more in person than in the pictures. Damn, were they going with psychological warfare?

“Oh hey, she’s here!” The woman waved at me.

I waved back and made my way to them. Monarch stood up and offered her hand. I shook it. Her grip was strong and confident. It instinctively made me not want to fight her. Especially not when I was in the middle of enemy territory.

“Welcome. As you probably know already, I’m Monarch and this is Gatekeeper.”

“Hello, you can call me Blink, for now.”

She nodded and motioned to the bench. “Make yourself comfortable.” We both got seated and she continued. “So, Blink, you said you wanted to join the Astrith Defenders?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“And why is that? Why do you want to join us?” she said, narrowing her eyes. I suddenly felt as if I was put under a magnifying glass.

“I… um, I went over my options after getting my powers, and thought joining you would be for the best.”

“Really now? Why not use your new powers for selfish purposes instead? A lot of people go with that route instead.”

I paused for a second. What was she talking about? Did she want me to become a criminal? What the heck?

“It’s… uh, not right to do that?”

Her eyes narrowed even further. I felt them boring into me. Had I said something wrong? Were they going to arrest me on the spot before I even got a use out of my powers?!

“Exactly, it wouldn’t be right,” she finally said whilst closing her eyes.

Had she been testing me, somehow? Had I passed the test? I was bewildered.

“Now, what do you think being a hero entails?”

“Well… fighting villains, stopping disasters, that kinda thing, right?”

“That’s not incorrect, but emergencies and super crimes don’t happen that often, and for regular crimes, there is still the police. Most of the time, you’ll be in the base training, helping test new devices, writing reports, and going over other reports.”

Wait, so, being a superhero was mostly an office job?!

“Not what you imagined, hm?” She smirked, probably noticing my shocked expression.

“Not really...”

“So, do you still want to be a hero, knowing all that?”

It wasn’t like I would be doing this forever. I was only infiltrating them. Right. As soon as I got what I wanted, I could kiss the dumb paperwork bye-bye.

“Yeah, I do.” I nodded.

“Alright, then.” She stood up. “Let’s move onto the next part of this interview.” She began walking away through a nearby hedge arch. Gatekeeper silently tagged along. I stood up and followed them.

We arrived at an empty circular space surrounded by hedges. It almost looked like an arena.

“So,” Monarch began as she turned to face me. “As you’ll be joining us, we will need to know what you’re capable of. You mentioned you are a teleporter. Mind showing us?”

I nodded.

Of course, I didn’t intend to show them the full extent of my powers. It wouldn’t do to show your whole hand to your enemies. The fact that I could use my power on objects would be my trump card.

I concentrated for a second and then blinked a few meters away. They both turned to face me again.

“Interesting.” Monarch nodded. “What’s your range?”

“About thirty meters.”

Another nod. “Not that bad. How often can you do it?”

“Well, there’s some cooldown… the longer the teleport, the longer the cooldown.”

“Mhmm.” She narrowed her eyes. “Are there other aspects of your power?”

“Well, I dunno. I’m still learning.” I shrugged.

“Alright. There will be further tests later. For now, why don’t wake take you for a tour of the base?”

I smiled. My infiltration was going smoothly so far.


Chapter 3 - Manager:

If I had to describe the base in one word, it would be: ‘maze’. The place had no predictable structure. This door led to a corridor, this elevator only went up to the second floor, these stairs went underground. For an outsider like me, navigating this place was a nightmare. I honestly didn’t understand how people didn’t get lost all the time in here. Were all heroes masters of navigation or something?

Anyway, the two heroes showed me around and introduced me to the other heroes. I had already done my research on most of them, although it seemed like there was another newbie other than me.

It was a girl in a plated azure armor. A helmet covered her face entirely, only letting her long black hair flow behind her. It looked quite impressive actually, although I had no idea how she was able to see.

“Hey, I’m Pearl; I’m also new. Nice to meet you,” she said with enthusiasm and extended her hand.

“I’m Blink. Likewise.” I smiled and we shook hands.

After the introductions, I was escorted to my room inside the base. The guest tag was also taken off of me, and I got a strange mobile device instead. Besides functioning as a protective charm like the tag, it also had a holographic 3D map of the building saved into it and a GPS app to boot. It was a godsend in this forsaken labyrinth.

For the rest of the day, I was free to wander around and explore the base, the hero work would start the next day, they said.

And so, I made use of that. I wanted to gather as much intel about my enemies as I could before I turned on them. Anything that couldn’t be easily found on the internet was valuable information.

“Hey Blink!”

My information gathering was halted by Pearl.

“Hi.” I waved at her and put on a fake smile.

“Are you looking around too?”

“Yeah. It’s really confusing around here. I’m trying to make sense of it.”

“No kidding! It’s a total maze!” She giggled. “Wanna look around together?”

“Um, sure.” I wasn’t too happy about it, but outright refusing might have been suspicious.

But when I thought about it for a second, she was the only hero I didn’t have any information on. Touring along with her gave me the perfect opportunity to extract that information.

“So, why did you become a hero?” I started with an innocent question.

“Oh, I always wanted to be one! I dreamed of getting powers since I was little, and when I actually got them a few weeks ago, I was super excited!”

What ball of energy this girl was. Perfect. Those were the easiest to extract information from.

“What about you?”

“Hmm? Ah, well… I went over my options when I got my powers and thought becoming a hero would be for the best.”

“That’s great! There’s a lot of people who just hide their powers and keep living their life.”

“Yeah, I… couldn’t do that. I’m kind of just barely scraping by and becoming a hero--” or rather an undercover villain ”--is my ticket out of poverty.”

“Oh… I’m sorry to hear that.” She put a hand on my shoulder. “I feel really dumb now. My reasons are kind of stupid compared to yours. You really needed this, but for me, it’s just fun.”

“No… I mean… it’s fine.”

Somehow, I ended up giving away about myself more than I learned about her. Well, not ideal, but… I didn’t really mind. It was a bit of a relief to tell someone about my situation and have them sympathize.

We continued exploring the base, visiting the cafeteria, the training room, and even the workshops of the various inventor heroes. Naturally, we also talked quite a bit during our tour. I learned that her power allowed her to create this crystal-like matter, which was pretty durable, and also opaque from one side, while completely see-through from the other side, somehow. That’s how she could see through that helmet, she made it with her power.

I learned other things about her, too. She had a pet cat named Ruffers, liked the color turquoise, and her favorite food was cherry pie. It was… kind of nice just talking about random things with her. It’s been a while since I had a friend…

Ugh, no! I was going to betray her later on! I couldn’t get attached now!


After the little tour, I had headed back to my crappy little apartment and my mood instantly dropped. I didn’t want them to know my identity since I still wanted to have a private life even after I became a villain, and staying in the base overnight would put me in danger of revealing my identity. But I simply hated this apartment too much.

I made a decision. During the tour, I got to talking with one of the inventor heroes about a device that could modify your body… which was simply perfect for me. Once I turned on them, I would steal the device, fix myself, change how I looked, and then take on another identity. If I did that, it wouldn’t matter if they knew my current identity. I never liked the old me anyway. No matter how much I tried, I always felt like a fake.

It was time for a change.

I called my manager, flipped him off while he couldn’t see it, and said I quit the crappy job, before calling my landlord and telling him I was moving out. I stuffed my bag with some clothes and my meds, before waltzing out of my apartment and heading right for the hero HQ. This infiltration would be a long-term mission, I decided.

Chapter 4 - Winner:

It’s been a while since I woke up so relaxed. The beds in the hero HQ were the softest things in the universe compared to the stone slab back in my old apartment. In fact, everything was way better in the room assigned to me. Lighting and heat levels were controlled by voice commands, I had a little Roomba always making sure everything was sparkling clean, and the room was perfectly sound-proof, meaning no asshole neighbors playing the guitar at two a.m. waking me up. I could get used to this.

First on the schedule for today, a breakfast. I happened to run into Pearl in the cafeteria, so we sat at the same table and chatted a bit more. It was pretty nice.

But uh, anyway, after the meal, it was time for further power testing for us newbies. I found out I had more weaknesses than I thought. First of all, I needed to stand on solid ground to teleport; I couldn’t teleport myself when I was in mid-air. In other words, if I found myself falling to my doom, I was as screwed as anyone else would be.

And if that wasn’t enough, I couldn’t teleport through solid walls, there always had to be an opening. I could, however, teleport through fences, barred entrances, and even through a tiny hole drilled into a wall.

Lastly, the thing I came here for in the first place, the teleporter jammer. It didn’t work on me. Perfect. Just as I thought, my teleport wasn’t really a teleport. I wouldn’t be easily incapacitated but one dumb machine. And unless I got trapped inside an airtight space, I could always escape. That was very good to know.

Other than my own tests, I also stayed around to carefully watch Pearl’s power testing. Her crystals were incredibly durable and she could make a fair amount of them before hitting her limit. Not to mention she had amazing control over their shapes. Good enough to create perfectly fitting armor for herself.

After the power testing, it was already time for lunch. Once again, I found myself seated at the same table as Pearl and chatting with her. It was becoming a habit at this point. I didn’t really mind. She was nice and cute, although a bit ditzy. But that ditziness made her fun to tease.

Uh, stop. Seriously, I needed to stop getting attached. I was planning on stabbing her in the back. I couldn’t get swayed by her adorable personality.

After lunch, just when I thought it would be time for the dreaded paperwork, we were instead guided to an arena to spar with each other. Not what I expected, but I thought of it as an opportunity. I didn’t thinkI could beat her in a straight fight, but this was the perfect chance to find any possible weak points.

“Alright, Gatekeeper will be the referee. He’ll use his power, so you don’t need to worry about hurting each other,” instructed one of the unpowered staff members. “The fight ends when you surrender, are rendered unconscious, or otherwise unable to fight anymore.”

Both me and Pearl nodded and Gatekeeper positioned himself just outside the circular arena with his arms crossed, observing us. I sized up my opponent and came up with a few ideas on how to take her down while waiting for it to start.

Begin,” resounded the deep voice.

His voice almost made me freeze, but I shook it off and immediately made my move. I blinked behind Pearl and wound up my fist, aiming for the part of her helmet that let her hair out, in other words, a weak point.

But my fist hit something hard instead and I yelled out in pain. I realized too late that she created a crystal shield between us. And before I could make my next move, I found myself encased inside a sphere of crystal.

I was trapped on all sides. I couldn’t teleport out.

I lost.

I fell on my butt with a sigh just as the crystal shattered and evaporated. It dawned on me just how more versatile and powerful Pearl was. Not to mention, her reaction speed was very impressive.

She walked up to me and held out a hand. I took it and stood up with a sigh.

“Hey, don’t feel bad, Blink!”

“What? You pitying me now?” I shot her an annoyed glance.

“No, I mean, it was actually pretty close! You surprised me there! I only just barely made that shield when I realized you were behind me. One moment late and you would have knocked me out!”

“Sure, sure.” I scratched my head and looked away.

Hitting something that hard with my fist would have broken a few bones in normal circumstances. But with Gatekeeper around, I only felt a bit of pain and suffered no lasting consequences.

After a moment, I turned back at her. “So, round two?”

“Okay!” she cheerfully replied.

I decided to play it differently in the next round. Just as it began, I teleported behind her once again and she instantly put up a shield. Just as planned, I faked her out.

Before she had a chance to turn around, I teleported next to her into a kicking stance and landed my foot right in the seams where her armor plates conjoined. My kick struck true as Pearl let out a cute yelp and toppled.

It wasn’t over, though, she was already getting up. I wouldn’t let her have that chance, however. I teleported right next to her with my foot high up in the air and slammed it down on the back of her unprotected head.

She crumpled and stopped moving. I panicked for a second before remembering we were still inside Gatekeeper’s protective field.

Blink wins,” our referee simply stated and then walked away.

Several staff members entered the arena and loaded Pearl onto a stretcher… before unloading her in the relaxation room next door onto a couch.

Well, yeah, she wasn’t hurt thanks to Gatekeeper, but she was unconscious regardless. It was impressive that her crystal armor wasn’t dispelled even when she was knocked out.

Right now, she was more or less sleeping. Her cute soft breaths resounded in the otherwise silent room. I couldn’t help but feel she was absolutely adorable like that.

Chapter 5 - Anxiety levels:

As I had already planned, I unmasked to the other heroes. It was all for the sake of gaining trust, and also for the sake of finding out the identities of everyone else since they also unmasked to me in return. That was the kind of information goldmine you couldn’t find anywhere online.

Pearl’s name was April, and jeez, her face was as cute as I imagined it. My ugly mug couldn’t even compare. I felt jealous.

With the unmasking, I could sign the contract with my real name and become an official employee of the Astrith Defenders. It was all fine, though. Once I was done here, I would change my appearance and start a new life under a different name.

From then on, I did my best to integrate myself into the organization. I didn’t want to stand out, after all.

Just as Monarch mentioned in the interview, most of my workday consisted of physical training, practicing my powers, and helping test devices. The paperwork wasn’t even all that bad either. A lot of the inventions I wrote the reports on were quite interesting, in fact. Like the voice modulating choker. What would I have given to have that a few years ago?

Uh, anyway. Other than that, I had my costume upgraded. The cheap balaclava changed to a heat-insulated mask, I got some gauntlets and hard shoes, and the rest of my body was covered in light armor. I was a force to be reckoned with now.

But, well, I didn’t need to be. Whenever there was an emergency requiring a superhero, someone else was sent out. Us newbies stayed at the base.

I couldn’t say it was boring, however. The devices we tested were cool, the sparring sessions were exhilarating, and I was quickly becoming friends with April.

Which… was bad. Whenever I thought about betraying her, my stomach curled itself into a knot. Maybe she would go villain with me if I asked her…?


It happened when we were having a casual conversation.

“But they kept the photo anyway!” She was showing me her photo on her ID card. The April in the photo looked like she was about to sneeze, it was kind of adorable. “Honestly, next time I go take a photo for my ID, I’ll make sure to first get over my cold.”

I giggled, imagining April protesting against keeping a photo like this.

“What about you? I bet you look super charming in your photo!”

“Nah, I look as ugly as ever... look.” I casually pulled out my own ID card and handed it over.

“You’re too harsh on yourself! You look great in this photo!” I scratched my cheek awkwardly. It felt nice to be complimented. “Hmm? Wait... M?” April suddenly looked very confused.

M? What M? What was she…? Oh, OH NO!

I snatched the ID card out of her hands and hit it away from view. But it was too late, the damage had already been done.

I felt the anxiety creep up on me as April stared at me, bewildered.

“Nina… you’re a man?” Those words stung more than I thought they would.

“N...no… I’m not!” Without thinking, I shot out of my seat and teleported across the room to the door. I wrenched it open and kept teleporting until I reached my room and locked myself inside.

I walked a few weak steps and collapsed on my bed.

Why had I done that? Why hadn’t I stayed and explained it to her? Surely, she would have understood. April wasn’t like my parents or my former friends. She wasn’t like the officials who wouldn’t let me change that dumb letter from M to F on my ID.

Or was she? I didn’t know, and that’s why I ran. Back then, I’d thought mom would understand as well, and had paid for it. Back then, I’d been convinced my best friend would hear me out without laughing, and I had paid for it.

I had only known April for a few weeks, and more importantly, I planned on betraying her. There was no way I could trust her, was there? No, running away was the right option.

A knock on the door jerked me from my thoughts. A soft voice resounded right afterward. “Nina? Are you inside?”

I didn’t respond. I wanted her to go away. I needed to distance myself from her. It wasn’t good that we were becoming friends. I was planning on betraying her, after all.

“Bill said he saw you enter your room… please, just answer Nina.”

Why was she still talking? Why wouldn’t she go away?

“I’m sorry… I was just surprised. But it doesn’t change anything for me. I want to be your friend whether you’re a woman or a man.”

“I’m not a man!” I automatically yelled out.

“S...sorry… I’m sorry… I didn’t want to upset you...” She sniffed.

Why was shecrying? What was wrong with her?!

“I… I want to get to know you better… it must have been hard, right? People thinking you are a man… nobody ever trying to understand.”

Those words slipped through my defensive shell. I stood up and wobbled to the door, facing it.

“What do you… even know...?”

“My… my sister is the same. Everyone insisted she was a boy… even I did...” She sniffed again. “I… I’ve said some things… done some things I regret. But… I’m trying to understand more now. Please… would you give me a chance?”

It was so weird, so unusual. Normally, it was me trying to find the courage to explain it to others… only to be called delusional or a freak. But she… was begging me to help her understand?

I reached out and unlocked the door, trepidation creeping all over me. When I opened the door a crack, I saw April standing there. I had no idea what to say.

“So… friends?” She smiled and extended her hand toward me.

I hesitated. The last time I called someone a friend, they stabbed me in the back when I needed support the most. I was prepared to always be on my own. That’s why I planned on going villain, that’s why I intended on betraying the heroes.

But I knew that I didn’t want to be alone. It was just scary to open up to someone again. Would I risk it? Would it be worth it? Would April toss me aside once I stopped fulfilling her expectations?

I couldn’t help but fear the possibility. Sure, I had told her quite a bit about me already, but all of those were just facts. I’d never truly let her see the real me inside this whole protective shell. That’s what scared me so much.

But I didn’t want to be alone anymore. Maybe I was making a mistake, but I eventually took her hand and whispered, “Okay.”

We enjoyed a silent hug afterward.

Chapter 6 - Attitude:

Even though I told myself I would open up to April and try being a friend again, part of me remained to be vary. I’d been conditioned to expect betrayal too much.

Which was why every time April appeared kind and supportive, it made me feel guilty I was suspecting she would turn on me. Especially since I had been the one planning on doing that up until recently.

Speaking of which, I couldn’t do it anymore. I didn’t want to go villain at this point. Not just April, everyone was nice to me. The whole point was to live comfortably as a supervillain on my own without anyone around to stab me in the back… but I’d come to realize that I was already satisfied with how my life was going as a hero. And more importantly, I didn’t want to be alone anymore.

I was content. Nobody needed to know what my initial intention was, and with time, even I would forget about it.

But it seemed like fate had different plans for me.

One day, when I was wandering around the base in my civvies, I came face to face with Monarch again.

“Hello there.” Her predatory smile unnerved me.

“Uh, hi.”

“It’s been nearly a month since you joined us. How are you finding the hero work?” She began walking and I followed her without a second thought.

“It’s been alright. A lot less stressful than I thought it would be.”

“That’s good! I’m glad you’re enjoying the time here.” We walked inside an office as we talked. She locked the door behind her. “It’s a lot better than going villain, isn’t it?”

That sentence made me doubletake.

“I… uh… I wasn’t a villain, so I don’t know.”

Only now had I realized we hadn’t walked into an office, but an empty room padded with steel plates on all sides. There were other heroes stationed around the room, including Pearl.

I stopped in my tracks. Something wasn’t right.

“Sure, you weren’t. But it was pretty close, wasn’t it?” Her expression reminded me of a cat who just caught its prey.

I completely froze. She knew.

“We don’t take kindly to heroes who go rogue, you know?” Began walking around the room, as I continued to stare at the spot she just left. I began to shiver.

“I… I…”

“It was a pretty big risk I took back then. Purposefully letting in someone who planned on going villain? I must have been crazy.” She put a hand on my shoulder from behind, making a chill go down my spine.

My thoughts were stuck, I couldn’t do anything. I didn’t dare to look up and face the other heroes either. Especially not Pearl.

“But hey, it worked out in the end, didn’t it?” She leaned closer while still leaving the hand on my shoulder. “Or? Are you still planning on backstabbing us for your own benefit?”

“That’s… no… I…” The words got caught up in my throat.

She leaned even closer and whispered into my ear, “Just like they did to you?”

Those words stabbed through me like a sharp knife. I fell on my knees as tears began pouring out.

I was the worst, wasn’t I? I was about to become the type of person I despised. I was planning on hurting someone the same way they hurt me.

I hugged myself, still not daring to look up. “I… I’m sorry…”

The terrifying woman crouched down and put a hand on my head. “Nina,” she said in a much softer voice.

I finally gathered up the courage to look up and met her eyes. They were no longer the eyes of a vicious predator and instead had a soft glint to them.

“You know… while I don’t take kindly to traitors… I also believe in second chances.” She gave me a warm smile. “I allowed you to join us because you didn’t strike me as an inherently bad person… just misguided.”

I wasn’t sure how to respond.

“Say,” she continued. “You’ve been eyeing one of the inventions for a long time now. One that could help you with a certain problem of yours.” She put a hand on my shoulder again, this time, it felt much less intimidating. “Would you like to use it?”

I knew what she was referring to. The body modification device, the one I planned on stealing when I betrayed them. But… could I just use it? For some reason, I hadn’t even thought about that. Like it was off-limits. Like I had to steal it to make use of it.

I hung my head as more tears poured out. “Y-yes… please…” I whispered.


I took a deep breath. I couldn’t believe it was happening. I was expecting something to go wrong at any moment. For one of the heroes to whack me over the head and arrest me, for the device to malfunction and explode, for the hero base to suddenly be attacked by an army of villains…

None of that happened though.

“Feel free to enter whenever you’re ready,” said Molecula, the inventor heroine who created the machine in front of me.

I glanced at the human-sized pod and remembered all of the crazy plans I had for actually stealing such a heavy object, but shook those thoughts away. I wouldn’t be stealing it anymore, I didn’t need to.

I reached to my back and unzipped the hospital gown I was wearing. It fell to the floor and I found myself naked. A wave of anxiety hit me as I entered the pod and the door closed behind me. I didn’t have claustrophobia, but this was very scary. I was at the mercy of Molecula. With a press of the button, she could turn me into a blob, or make me even uglier, if she wanted to.

I took a few deep breaths, reminding myself that it was just my paranoid mind starting up again.

“Alright, are you ready?” I heard the speaker inside the pod talk.

I jerkily nodded my head and said, “Yes.”

“Don’t freak out. The pod is going to slowly fill up and you’ll lose consciousness. When you wake up, you should be a new woman!” the speaker chirped.

“Okay,” I whispered as I shut my eyes tight.

As promised, something began to fill the pod. My feet were soon stuck in a gelatinous substance and it was quickly rising to engulf me whole. At the same time, my nose picked up a sweet smell.

This was it. The last waking moment of my old life. The next time I would wake up, I would start a new life.

I took one last deep breath and then blacked out.


CW: References to mind manipulation

“There’s still one thing I don’t understand… why didn’t you just use your mind control to discourage the betrayal directly?” the man clad in bright green armor asked.

“I keep telling you, it’s not mind-control. It’s closer to hypnosis. I can’t make others do something they wouldn’t do themselves. I can only give them suggestions, nudge them in a certain direction,” Monarch answered.

The man shook his head. “You make it sound very unimpressive, but the fact is that you turned a potential threat into a reliable ally. She won’t be betraying us anytime soon.”

Monarch sighed. “You always talk about it as if people were disposable chess pieces. I just wanted to help, you know? The fact that she’s so dedicated to hero work now is a neat bonus.”

“There’s more to it, isn’t there?”

“Well, maybe…” Monarch’s eyes narrowed as she looked away. “I guess I thought of it as a way to atone. Preventing someone else from going down the dark path. Helping them find themselves. It’s the kind of help I would have appreciated all those years ago myself.”

The man shook his head again. “If the media found out you were this softie, they would have a field day with it.”

“Heh… I’m sure they would.” She smirked.

“So, anyway. How is she doing now?”

“Well, she’d shown us the full extent of her powers since then. It’s more impressive than I first thought. She can toss a heavy piece of rubble without even lifting it.”

“So, superstrength?”

“Not really, she flings it away with her power, she just has to touch it.”

“Hrm… is that what you learned from her helping during that arson incident?”

Monarch nodded. “It was her first real mission as a hero, and she saved a lot of lives there. By teleporting out individuals and clearing the rubble to allow passage. I think she was quite proud of herself.”

The man nodded. “And the other newbie? How is she doing?”

“Oh, she’s on her way to becoming a respectable hero as well. And, well… those two have already become best friends… maybe even something more than that.”

He sighed. “The youngsters and their love shenanigans. Well, at least they are eager about their work.”

“Always so serious… Just let them enjoy their youth.”

“Whatever you say.” The man shrugged and left the room.

Monarch kept sitting there and thought back on the whole situation. The trucker calling in and telling them about a girl he almost ran over; The investigation she ran on said girl; The postponing of Pearl’s initiation, waiting for Blink to enlist. It was all hard work, and she didn’t do anything flashy, but that didn’t matter to Monarch.

For her, it was another job well done as a hero.



Cute story. Thoroughly enjoyed it. :)

Rachel Mary Winter

cute story. Lots of complexity. Always enjoy a happy ending for trans protags, although I do not think I could live in a society that doesn't recognize trans rights. The whole government not allowing the change from M to F was horrid. All I needed was a note from my doctor and $200 no surgery no mention of HRT. The hardest part was the 3-month wait to see the Judge who approved it before I even set foot in the courthouse. California for the Win.


Well, over here in Czech Republic, you need to be first allowed HRT by your therapist, then after at least a year of HRT you need to 'prove' that you are trans in front of a committee full of doctors and whatnot. If you get approved you are then allowed surgery, and only after all of that are you allowed to change the stupid letter in all your documents and whatnot. At least the surgery is paid for by your insurance, but it still takes forever until you are officially recognized :/

Rachel Mary Winter

Painfully over complicated. But at least you have medical. --- On my computer now, so I can type a proper reply. I'm covered by the VA medically, which is the only form of socialized medicine in the USA, of course, the Republicans over the last 10 years have defunded and ruined it. But the VA does cover HRT, but not surgery. California allows full social transitioning without sterilization, which I have done, but I was born in Nevada so even though legally I'm a woman in California, ID and everything, I have to pay for the same process in Nevada to change my birth records, which is a pain. And I've been wanting surgeries for years, but no insurance coverage, so no chance, plus I'm over 50 now, so odds drop even lower I can get it. So yes your country has too many hurdles for social change, but at least you are covered, here ugggh every state acts like its own country, and you have to change records nationally, the state you live, and the state you were born, and to get more than a letter and name change you need medical, and it's often times hard to get real coverage.


Ugh, I hate bureaucracy >.< And yeah, I'm definitely grateful I don't have to save up for years to eventually afford surgery. Compared to that, the slow social change is just an annoyance. I hope you can eventually get the surgery. *hugs*