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First update of the year! Hope you all have been well, had a much-needed break and now I'm feeling recharged and rearing to go... unfortunately I've had the worst cold since coming back so I haven't really been able to draw as much as I would have liked over the last couple days.

So I've been trying to warm up with these rough Bleach workout sketches to try and break through the rust, which has been really fun and I 100% wanna make a proper series of it in the future 🥰 maybe after this last comm of the batch is complete!

The Deathnote piece is coming along now, but I'll be working on the flats until my groove with the pen has returned 🥲

Thanks so much to everyone who stuck around over the hiatus period and also welcome to all the new faces!

ps. look out for the suggestion box coming tomorrow, this time it's gonna have a theme 😏




Renji lets go!!!