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I’m relaunching my Patreon! After a lot of thinking, I’ve decided to create new, cheaper tiers, all with the same benefits as the old ones but I want everyone to feel like you’re getting your money’s worth out of your time here.   

  • Tier 1: Tip Jar (£1)  
  • Tier 2: Burr (£2)  - formerly Just the Tip 
  • Tier 3: Crown (£3.50)  - formerly Balls Deep 

As this month's payment has already gone out, all existing patrons will be refunded for August so you can join the new tiers!

If you could all move over to these new tiers by the 19th of August, I can then start the process of deleting the old ones. I’ll also send messages to everyone just as a reminder, as I will be deleting them by the end of the month for the complete revamp! It’s a little annoying, but there’s no other way to do it as I still want to keep my patreon open and post.   

As always, thank you so much for your support and for sticking with me. Looking forward to posting more art for you all, and I’m excited for this (slightly) new direction!  



Just so everyone knows, from today onwards, none of the old tiers will be receiving any new content. Only Burr and Crown will be receiving new art and other updates from now on. So can everyone switch over as soon as you can lest you start missing anything new!

Thanks again lovelies, I know this is annoying but unfortunately it's the only way 😓