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"Why yes, it was cast to the likeness of a rather famous minotaur. Maybe you're familiar with it, Zagreus?"

OMG it's finally done!!! Imma cry 😭 for some reason, this one really took me forever to be happy with it! I'm so happy I stuck with it because Zag's face is one of my best yet and I'm also super proud of the rendering, especially Than's hand and Meg's GODLY abs.

I have a desperate need to play this game again now 😅

Look out for the closeups and timelapse where you can see me STRUGGLE




Than's GRIP. Zag's FACE. Meg's ABS. This is godly


I’ve always wanted to play this game just cause the character design is so good… Amazing work you did with them, wow 😳


It's so worth playing, the gameplay, characters and art are all so tremendous! Thank you so much 🥰