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Kinda a big update to share with you lovelies today, lots of in-progress stuff I've been working on this week! Been slowly chipping away at the Link/Ganon piece. As always the pretty boys' face gave me hella grief and then in contrast I managed to smash out Ganon's face within an hour 😅

Secondly been working away on the last comm in the batch , never thought i'd be doing DC art but here I am! For real tho, the Flash was a really fun character to try to capture in my style.

Lastly, here's just a little teaser of my personal project, haven't been able to put in much actual sitting down and drawing time yet but I hope what I can show will tickle all your interest! Will be following up with more details once the first character is ironed out which I hope to do within the next few weeks 😊

Thanks again for all your support, I've noticed that there's been a sudden wave of new recruits here!




Beyond excited. 👀👀👀👀


Omg I'm so excited to see your progress!! Lots of cool stuff you're working on 😳


heck yes to the personal project what a HOTTIE 😏


Thank you! She’s not 100% there yet but I think I’ve got the idea down