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Hi everyone, just a quick lil update of what's going on with the billing and other general housekeeping!

So in a couple days I'll be heading to my folk's place for the holidays which means I won't be able to draw for the next couple weeks. I've done the whole hiding the drawing every time they burst through the door thing and I'm not keen to repeat that now that I've moved out. That and I wanna spend time with my family rather than being cooped up in my room drawing, not that I have a suitable place to draw anymore anyway.

That being said, I'll be pausing billing for January. All of my existing patrons (anyone who's a patron before January 1st) won't be billed for that month, anyone who joins after that date, will be. So I guess this is kind of my Christmas present to all of you and a thank you for all of your amazing and continued support!

I feel like I've grown loads as an artist since I started lewding and your support and love has been such tremendous help!

I will still be posting in January, top of that list being the Zelda/Urabosa piece (with the Link bonus), but again, my existing patrons WON'T BE BILLED - so consider it a month of freebies in a way. 

Thanks again lovelies, it's been a fantastic year for my art and every like and comment from you guys just fills my heart with joy!



Eek!! Been a great year, you’ve improved so much and I can’t wait to see all the stuff you draw in 2022. Onwards and upwards my dude ♥️


🥰 Enjoy the time with your family!!! Here’s to the new year and new exciting adventures!