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So I’ve been thinking what else I could offer my lovely patrons and to be honest, I’ve come up short. So please, feel free to give me any suggestions as to what you’d like to see from me in the future! Like would you guys like to see some more regular wipes of what I’m working on, or something else?



WIPs are always fun to see! Or even just small sneak peaks.


hi I know I just hopped on but I honestly love like... rough rough sketches, like the sort of stuff artists warm up with and THEN IMMEDIATELY THROW OUT... gestures in particular are so exciting bc they're so organic and u get to see how the artist thinks about the human form and motion, etc.... idk maybe it's just me, but I find the roughest, roughest sketches to be very precious 😌💕


I’ve always thought of my sketches as really messy and not really good but I’ll try throw out some stuff every now and then. Maybe when I get round to doing more studies too :)