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Happy Sunday everyone, good progress is being made! 

New Addition 1: Finished adding everything up until the sex scene begins 💪

All the dialogue has been added in as well as all transitions between rooms, hover text, etc. Some new things that had to be drawn & added include a sunset sky for both the bedroom and kitchen: 

As well as a new outfit for Theo! (He's so cute kfldaskd): 

Question: Does it look awkward when there are background sprites as well as talking sprites? I feel like in some cases it works but in other cases it looks kinda weird, like here potentially: 

I'm excited to move on to this chapter's sex scene!  I've been tweaking a few things with the script too. Speaking of which, my current script editing set up looks like this: 

There are so many JSON files now... Also, if you're new to game dev: make a GitHub repository for your game! It has saved me so many times when files have corrupted, or I've just fucked with things too much. 

This week's Todos:

  • Start drawing sprite art for sex scene 

By the end of the month:



Looks great! Love the vibes your coding setup / PC give off Maybe you already know but the 3rd pic's dialog is missing the word 'about' in the first sentence ;)

Mina Luna

In my opinion I think both variants are fine. I mean. It can be confusing seeing a character twice. Especially if the conversation sheme should represent FPV, first person view. Like out of the players eyes. But then the background wouldn't match so its un relevant. I think seeing qhere they at in the acene is nice. So... Yeah.. Kinda useless advice from me because I just brabbled nonsense that doesn't make sense... Pwp


I don't think the dual sprite looks awkward. I think the first time the sprites change during a conversation (like 2 characters talking to each other), the UI will have explained itself & that will prevent visual awkwardness from being noticed. The concept seems similar to other games (esp. some RPGs), so I think it's an established UX pattern that is safe. Another idea might be some kind of animation/highlight of the in-scene sprite. Maybe just have their mouth move while they're the last speaker? Maybe that + a brief motion or zoom of the sprite to draw the eye to them. Final thought is maybe have speaker-sprites only for group conversations, or when the speaker is off screen. I think any of these would be moderately beneficial additions, and you've mostly a cost/benefit + style question. Not so much good/bad questions, I think.


I have no objections to the background sprites. Does it kinda look weird? Perhaps in this instance, yes. Would it look weirder without them? Probably yes. Not really sure there’s a good option here, it’s just what there is.