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IT IS FINISHED! Yay, okay, so, it's not the longest chapter, but I think it is cute and sweet and got across some important world building info, which was what I was going for. Most of all, I guess I'm happy that I didn't let myself give up and quit just because it was a little hard, lol. 

What did we learn? Uhm...that art can't be rushed, but you also can't just wait around for motivation. Sometimes you just have to really push yourself hard to make what you want to make. 

You can play it here  🌈☁️ I hope ya'll enjoy! 

Detailed tags for this chapter:

Some general changes

  • Fixed some audio issues where sound was cutting off after scenes if music was toggled off on the start screen but then resumed during game play. 

⚠️ Spoilers below ⚠️

New Addition 1: Finished animations + added them to game

I made all the strap variation animations:

And I adjusted the script according to what genital preference the player chooses. For every sex scene, there are actually two scripts and, while they are mostly the same, I do have to make sure the text makes sense for what genital preference the player has chosen. 

Also, it was a pretty clean layout this time. Not too crowded. 

Just had one sex animation sprite, the boob sprite, and then some effects :)

New Addition 2: DEBUGGING ☠️

I hope I caught most of the bugs. I swear, every time I think it's all good, I find out that I used the wrong genital variable (there are 2 now) or forgot to switch out chapter3 for chapter4 or something, and it messes everything up, but only under very specific circumstances. 

Oh, I've also been thinking about what to do for bonus chapter 4 and I have a fun idea for it, but I'm not sure how it would work exactly. HMMMM. Hmm... We'll see. 



Your dedication is…truly remarkable. Be proud of yourself, ma’am! Take a victory lap, you’ve earned it.


Oh, and now that the game is officially growing beyond the selection screen (Again, go you!), you might want to consider changing the menu scrolling arrows to something you don't have to hold, just press. Just a thought.


That is a REALLY good suggestion & easy to implement. I'll add it to the next update for sure!! You always give such good feedback, thank you 🌈🤝