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Heya! OKAY, I know I wanted to get the chapter out today, but I just couldn't finish it in time. This month has been so busy at my day job, and it's been difficult to find time to work on the game. I apologize & thank you for the patience.

New Addition 1: Finished script ✏️

The good news is that I did finish the script finally. We're at about 3,000 words, but that will increase as I start putting things in the game engine and seeing how it flows. I used to write like 5k word fanfics in a night but writing for games like this is a lot harder for some reason.

New Addition 2: Continued work on sex scene art 🎨

I have all the art mostly done (I always have to adjust things once I get them in the game engine). This chapter has really kicked my ass, but that's okay. It's good to get your ass kicked sometimes. I think it builds character or something.

Made a few more short lil animations.

How the fuck do arms work??

And added some more Angel expressions:

I'm going to give myself a little more time than needed perhaps to finish this chapter because otherwise I feel like I'm just going to stress myself out too much and be even slower.

Hope you're all having a great week!

This week's Todos:

  • Add all the art and script into the game engine
  • Code events

By the end of the month (PLEASE):

Future Features I want to add when I have time:

  • Dialogue log system



Why the second images is like your playing picross ? XD


Lol, I see what you mean! Basically every dot is on an animation frame and there can be multiple layers per animation frame and animations have multiple frames so it begins to look kind of wild >w<


I’m just amazed it took this long for your workload to catch up with you. But it’s not a shortcoming, it is a testament to your strength. You’re a force of nature, and I speak for everyone when I say we’re willing to wait. Keep up the good work, at whatever pace that necessitates. ❤️