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Wow, it's almost a new year. That is wild! This year went by so fast, don't you think? I hope you all had a wonderful December and that you have an even better 2024! 

New Addition 1: Added some more stuff to character 2's bedroom & started working on the sex scene art 🎨

Just some cuties playing games in bed. I find the thought of coming home to your partners just chilling out and having fun together to be very relaxing. 

I also figured out where I wanted to take the sex scene, and I'm preeeeetty dang excited about it. It's going to be the first threesome scene in the game!   

Process of making a sex scene animation: 

Step 1: The sketch 

Step 2: Lineart and color  

Step 3: Add in background

Step 4: Animation. 

This one isn't quite done yet (needs some cleaning up) but it's almost there. I'm not really an animator, so I just shift pixels around until it looks ok-ish. The hardest part of this whole process is trying to make the pixels look smooth in the animation at the end. You can see that the top left of Alan's head looks a lil wonky, and the player's right thigh also looks weird near Alan's face, but I'll go back and refine all the lines later. 

I also started sketching another part of the sex scene... :3 c Can you tell I'm excited for it?? I'm so excited for it. I just love loving poly relationships.  

Other thoughts 💭

This is completely unrelated to the game, but I've been working on making merch and holy crap! It is actually pretty difficult to set up a store. I never really thought about how sellers have to specify shipping costs to different countries or how taxing works, etc. I'm not the most business-oriented person, so this has been pretty eye-opening. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it all out and open shop sometime in the next year, lol. This paragraph is mostly just me trying to manifest it. 

This week's Todos:

  • Continue working on sex scene animations

By the end of the month (goal) (probably unrealistic, sorry!):

Future Features I want to add when I have time:

  • Dialogue log system



Aaaa I love poly stuff! I am poly so I am a big fan of seeing it. There is not much poly representation online

Mina Luna

I am also looking so forward to it *Edit: Even tho im the subbiest thing that probably wouldn't be able to di anything except being blushy and embarrassed over nine thousand

Mina Luna

Taje the Time xou neeeeeeeeddd!!!!!! Don't overwork yourself, We have time and looking forward to it. Don't stress yourself too much. To Everyone reading this, if your celebrating, merry holidays, and to everyone that is not still have nice days. Remember, Stay Hydrated. Love chu alll ^^