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New Addition 1: Worked on sex animations

This weekend I managed to get most of the animations done. Um, I accidentally made the sex scene as complicated as one of the main chapter sex scenes, so it was more work than I thought it would be. Still, it was a lot of fun! That said, I fucking hate drawing lil pixel hands. I can't even draw non-pixel hands!

Here are some of the animations (not all though because I don't wanna spoil too much :3)

Still got a few more frames to go and cleaning up to do, buuuut this is basically how my timeline looks while I work. Yeah, it's messy, but so are my layers in the actual game engine, so it kinda works. For instance, here are the various layered sprites from bonus chapter 1 outlined.

New Addition 2: Bug fixing

I noticed that when I play the game on itch on my laptop, the setting menu buttons don't toggle, but on mobile and in the game engine itself they do. I don't know exactly why it does that, but I fixed it (hopefully). It will be rolled out with bonus chapter 2.

This week's Todos:

  • Finish animations & import them
  • Do all the code stuff (probably won't get it all done this week, but I can try)

By the end of the month (goal):

  • Upload bonus chapter 2 to Itch.io, start working on chapter 3

Also, has Patreon been updated or something recently because it seems to be bugging out a lot for me lately... > <



Aaaaaa the playable character is always so cute


What game engine do you use?