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Hey everyone, happy Sunday!!! I finally finished bonus chapter 5 :'D This one is a little different from other chapters (I feel like I say that every time I release a chapter, lol) but I hope it's still okay. I wanted to flesh out the world & some reoccurring characters more in this chapter instead of focusing mostly on sex.

Play the bonus chapter here!

This bonus chapter's tags:

As always, please do not post the password to public forums/chat groups/social media sites, etc., but please feel free to share with a couple of loved ones or close friends!

πŸ”‘ The password for bonus chapter 5 is fr33h34lthc4r3

Have fun!

⚠️ Spoilers below! ⚠️ 

New Addition 1: All the stuff

I added a bunch of small things, like character sprite emotions/faces, editing the script (+500 words), getting all the other logic stuff to work, and polishing the mini-game, but that stuff isn't super interesting to talk about.

One of the more challenging things I had to figure out in this chapter was getting playable character 2 to use their user chosen nickname, hairstyle, clothes, and bust choice when they were kind of more of a background character in this chapter. THAT was difficult & I basically had to break my own dialogue handling system to do it.

All the various sprites used in the mini-game layout are below. I think I kept it pretty clean this time! It was both harder and far easier than a usual sex scene. With the sex scenes, I have to get a bunch of animation layers to work right/position them correctly which is pretty torturous, so I had a lot of fun with this more programming-focused chapter :D  

New Addition 2: Hopefully fixed history log issues

Okay! I think I fixed the history log almost completely. Now it shows the selected user nicknames for both characters and replaces names in-text as well, yay!


Possible bugs:

  • No idea, but lemme know if you find something. Near the end of debugging a chapter, my brain starts to shut off.

...And that is 10 chapters completed in all! I honestly never thought I'd make this many of them. As always, have a super-duper wonderful rest of the weekend!! 🌈☁️


Mina Luna

:3. Another Devlog and even more hyped on the result. Have a wonderful weekend aswell. To everyone Reading this, don't forget to take your meds if needed and stay hydrated!. :3

Joe Strika

Does the game remember us entering bonus passwords in between launches, and if not could that be added as a nice QOL feature? :D Thank you!!


Hi! The game currently does not & I can completely see how having to re-enter passwords can get annoying (I have to do it a lot while bug testing, lmao). I think it would be a great feature to add, but past me made the mistake of programming it so that basically only the password entered into the text box is what tells the game what bonus chapter the player wants to play, so I'd have to totally re-code that part. Hmm, I'll try to add it πŸ’ͺ Thank you for the suggestion!