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It's almost the end of the month (why does it seem like it's always close to the end of the month?)! Hope all of you had a wonderful April. Not sure how I personally feel about this month; I'll give it a solid 5/10.

New addition 1: Drew a new chapter-specific shirt

Sleepy time shirt :3c In this chapter, the player wears a specific shirt since it appears in the sex scenes (I don't want to have to draw all the different top options in the sex scenes).

New addition 2: Drew first frames of sex scene sprites + bgs

From idea to lineart and colors :D

The backgrounds took a bit, but I got into a good flow state while drawing the lineart and adding the base colors. The animation shouldn't take too long (hopefully) either.

I drew the longer hair option as well:

Slowly but surely making progress!

This week's Todos:

  • Keep working on sex scene art (animation, more poses)

By the end of the month (not happening TuT):



Totally worth the wait. You're art is wonderful. 💚

Mina Luna

My Month was a solid. Idk/10 Had to learn for exams and write 3 from four. But I got also wonderful art from heaven as somewhat kind of reward. So. I'm fine with this month :3 <3