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Happy Wednesday, you lovely people! I have finally finished the first draft of chapter 5's script ✨ ✍️

So far, the script is around 4,300 words long, but that number will change as I add in animation cues, code signals, and make other adjustments.

The structure of this chapter is a little different from previous chapters. Usually, chapters are pretty linear and the player's choices don't really alter the events in a chapter too much. That is not the case for this chapter. Chapter 5's structure looks a little more like this:

This makes it the second chapter (chapter 3 being the other) where you can complete the chapter without entering into any sex scenes. It's also the first chapter with two separate sex scenes, which will be a fun change, I think :3

In the last poll, the majority of people wanted the player to bottom, so that is the case, but the player is a little more dominant in this chapter compared to previous ones. There is also a blowjob scene (and maybe the player fingers their partner, but I'm not sure if I'll have time to add that, even though I really do want the player to be a little more verse in this chapter).

As for this chapter's potential partner, his name is Dr.Barlowe and he might look something like this:

He's supposed to look exhausted and kind of sickly. I dunno, should I try to make him a little more masculine, or are we vibing with this look?

This week's Todos:

  • Start working on general chapter assets (backgrounds, background sprites, talking sprites)

By the end of the month (loose goal):


Tin Vahtarić

Suepr exited for this chapter, the choises make it pretty good in terms of options this time around. Keep it up Queen <3

Tyler Vest

I'm vibing with the doctor


Maybe tone the dark circles down a smidge? He looks like he’s more related to a raccoon than me. (Which is *really* saying something…)