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HOLY HECK. I didn't expect debugging to take so long, but, well, that's game dev for you. I wanted to post this yesterday, but then I found a very weird bug that took forever to fix.

Play the bonus chapter here

This bonus chapter's tags:

As always, please do not post the password to public forums/chat groups/social media sites, etc. Please feel free to share with a couple of loved ones or close friends!

πŸ”‘ The password for bonus chapter 3 is l0v3m3

New Addition 1: Added animations to game + edited script

All the various layers that make up a sex scene:

Trying to get all these parts looking somewhat ok together is a true hassle, but it does feel rewarding when it works out. Basically, in the script, there are animation signals and when an animation signal is sent out, the game checks if certain variables are selected (like dick or boobs) and if they are then they make the correct sprites go visible and play the correct animation.

Oh, some extra background sprites also had to be drawn, like this cute one of them cuddling in bed :3

Also, the start screen is starting to look kinda cool I think with all the chapter completed additions!

If you find any spelling errors, please let me know. I read through both scripts like 6 times, but I'm so bad at editing stuff 🫢

Possible bugs that I have not been able to consistently recreate and thus fix:

  • Wrong script playing during sex scenes (ex: you picked having a penis, but the script for having a vulva plays. Should be fixed, but, uh, the way I fixed it was kind of hacky).

  • Relationship points do not work good. While playtesting, I noticed this and I'll try to fix it later. It doesn't matter for this chapter, though.

If you happen to get one of these, it would be a great help if you would let me know what device and/or browser you were playing the game on πŸ‘

I would say it is time to take a big nap, but I actually have a meeting I have to prepare for. Have a lovely week, ya'll! πŸ’ͺ



Looks really cute! Did you ever end up adding chastity kink to the game?


Bonus chapter 3 has Ava who wears a chastity cage :3 She also wears it in chapter 4, but it isn't shown much. A future chapter may delve into the kink more, but I'm not really sure exactly what people with the kink want to see. Orgasm denial, or perhaps putting on/taking off a chastity cage? Let me know!


why can't I do a twirl and portal to hell :(