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Hey ya'll! I didn't want to make another devlog until I'd finished making all the sex scene animations, but they're finally done! 

New Addition 1: Finished making the sex animations 🎨

While writing this devlog, I realized that I've been calling this playable character just...playable character 1. I think I'll refer to them as P1 moving forward. I also don't mind it when people call them Noah though, as that is their default name. 

Now, I don't want to spoil everything, so I'll just show a few of the animations... 

I find something so cute about these animations in particular:

I think it is very in-character for P1 to hold their arms like that. It's very cute :3 

Of course, a lot of the animation work is actually done in the game engine to make it fit the flow of the script better. Still, it's nice to be done with the bulk of this bonus chapter's work. 

Now comes the part that requires actual brain power. And, as someone who isn't very detail-oriented, trying to proofread and bug-check everything feels a little like pulling teeth, lol. 

New Addition 2: Added chapter button to the start screen

I was looking at the start screen today and realized that wow...8 chapters! That's kind of a lot, but also not a lot at the same time. It makes me think about how many more there will be in the future... 

Crap, I really need to finalize the outline of the overall story. I realized the other day that I'm very quick to start projects, but I'm terrible at ending them. I really need to get better at that, but I hate endings. 

This week's Todos:

  • Add sex scene animations to game
  • Proof-read script
  • Code all the remaining stuff 

In the next week or two:

  • Upload bonus chapter 4 to Itch.io 


Mina Luna

Th...they are so cuteeee... Cant wait to subspace myself into the player cha again.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh Also really excited bc tmrw appointment for hrt estrogen begin .. aghghghhhhhgggghfhghghhfhfhfh the gjghghhhhgjgjggjghfjfhghfjfjgjfjfjgjgjgjfjffjfhhgh System overload Error 404 Mina not found. Keeeeep up the great workkkk!!!!!!!!! I love chuuuuuu. Everyone Reading this... Comment? I guess.. Keep hydrated and stay healthy <3