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What’s been done?


  • Set up most of a scene


  • Did some AI
  • Did some printers

Newman finished drawing a scene so I set it up.. And discovered the fucking mess I turned the scenes into.. Such a pain to make it all easier for the dev tool.. Or something.. I’m sure there was some logic there.. I think it was so I didn’t have to keep renaming files.. xD

Oh.. And I did some work on the ability to add backgrounds with the dev tool.. And.. Ended up rewriting some code that the dialog editor uses well.. Since it’s such a huge ass fucking mess.. And I nearly got it.. But.. Went too deep and ended up losing track of what I was even doing.. Yea, the coding rabbit hole goes that deep.. T.T

Got me an extra FDM printer, that is doing mostly nothing cause the plastic I have is fucking ass and I haven’t bought new shit yet.. xD.. But yea.. My production line just doubled =D.. Also almost finished setting up the actual company side of things as well, so.. Yay?

Think we had 2 heat waves since the last post.. So that was fun, sometimes even struggling to breathe.. Heat is fun ^^.. On another note, my body has won the drug war.. My new meds are pretty much useless now as my body has gotten used to them.. Will see my psychiatrist next week, so we’ll see what the next step will be then.. Either more or a different drug entirely.. Either way, I can’t really go on like this.. Cause my mind is just chaos again =<

What’s next?


  • Add ability to start scenes to the dev tool
  • Add music to the dev tool
  • Allow deleting one line at a time from inside the dev tool
  • Finish Combat Gwen


  • More Blender adventures
  • More streams?
  • Improve them AI

Still not much change, as I’m slowly crawling through some of these. Will try and stream next week though! Not sure if I’ll stream work or some tutorial bullshit though.. As work is kinda, just.. Bleh right now T.T.. Will also grab together some AI stuff and throw em on here, to see if you guys are interested.

Until the next,
Roosterboi Akanoes




Take is easy man and take care, if/when you stream post it in mups discord. I'd like to be there.