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Ecchi Sensei
Finished automating the text message date system

My notes from the stream were literally “Fixed some shit” and “Stared at code for a while”.. And I don’t remember wtf that means.. So.. Uhm.. Stuff was done? I dunno.. Sorry I can’t provide more details T.T

So.. Still (Or again?) not doing great.. Sleep schedule got fucked and at some point I just lost an entire day.. Not sure what happened, but my Friday just went.. I didn’t do anything, wasn’t watching anything, not playing a game, certainly not working.. Honestly.. No fucking clue where the time went.. And tbh.. Looking back at this week.. I can’t really remember much of anything.. So.. Myea.. Fun times..

Speaking of fun times, today someone was supposed to come by and perform maintenance on my boiler.. But he didn’t show.. This after already having canceled the last appointment cause.. I kid you not.. He forgot that his kid was going to school again.. And it wouldn’t be too bad.. But it’s been 3 years now since it had any kind of maintenance.. CAUSE THEY KEEP CANCELING OR JUST NOT SHOWING UP.. It’s like the 4th time no one showed up.. Added onto 3-4 cancellations.. And I suck at calling.. Still managed to call them once last year.. But of course, no one showed.. Maybe I should switch jobs.. Boiler maintenance sounds like free money xD

Haven’t done much printing, didn’t have the energy to remove the stuck print from the FEP sheet.. Cause it’s a huge pain in the ass.. But as you can see, I managed to print the snake properly =D Lowering the bed temperature seemed to have done the job, so.. That’s something I guess ^^

Started on the donut tutorial, failed 3 times, each time worse than the last.. Cause why wouldn’t I fail at the most fucking basic shit ever.. Lost my donut in the process too.. After some sulking I made a new donut though and I’m back to where it all went wrong, with save files for each step so I won’t lose everything again.. Lesson learned ^^

What’s next?


  • Add scenes to the dev tool
  • Add backgrounds and music to the dev tool
  • Show/Hide dolls from inside the dev tool
  • Allow inserting one new line at a time from inside the dev tool
  • Combat Gwen

Ecchi Sensei

  • More optimizations, yay =D


  • More Blender adventures

So yea, not much movement here.. While I did finish the text message stuff for ES, BenX’s dev tool did not get much attention.. Or at least.. No real progress was made =< So that’s on the list for next week again, hoping to actually make some progress this time.

I’ll have a friend come over to help me set up some proper ventilation in my resin printing hole and while I doubt we’ll finish it in 1 day, we should hopefully at least be able to get the materials ^^. Hopefully it’ll be more breathable in the future, as resin fumes are a big nono.. I’ll still need to wear a mask in there but at least when I’m not printing I should be fine without a mask, or at least be fine for a quick look at the progress.

Planning on removing the print that’s stuck on the FEP, hell.. I haven’t even removed the prints from the build plate.. T.T.. But yea, want to get at least one more print in before my friend arrives. Haven’t done much FDM tuning, not sure if I will in the coming week either.. With the new bed temperature I can print some things at least, so.. We’ll see I guess.. But yea, probably no tweaking this week

I’ll also try to cry my way through the donut tutorial.. Maybe I’ll have a donut to show off next week or something.. Who knows..

But that’s it again this week, looks like I wasn’t far off with my disappointment prepping xD.. But hey, at least that means things can only get better right?.. I hope T.T



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