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Added the possibility to change the current speaker and started work on adding and removing dolls with the dev tool. I cleaned up some code as well.. And I think I may have done more.. But I honestly can’t remember.. So, I should probably start taking notes xD

Ecchi Sensei
Finally got around to adding date lines in text messages. So you can tell when the conversations happened. It’s only a prototype atm though, I got it working and now I need to get it working more efficiently. For the prototype you have to use a command, but I think I can get it working off of the label names so it’s automated ^^.

Starting to feel better, not sure if it’s temporary.. But let’s enjoy it for now at least ^^. Visited one of my sisters as her youngest just turned 1 and tomorrow we’ll be hearing if my mom’s eye surgery went well. She’s been losing a lot of her eyesight this year and had an operation on one of her eyes 3 weeks ago, if all goes well the other one will get done next month and she’ll be able to see properly again (if not better =D). Was scary for a bit though because there were some moments where she went completely blind.. And she couldn’t work anymore because just looking would be too exhausting =<

Also cleaned up my storage room/shed thing a bit. It’s where I plan to do FDM printing and finish up the models. Will also put my rowing machine there since I have the room there and won’t wake up the neighbours xD. So yea, that place might actually be usable.. Soon.. Ish..

Been playing more Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous as well, but I’m slowly burning out on it.. Granted I’ve put in 260 hours into it (though probably “only” 180 into this save) but it’s not really the game itself, more the place I’m at.. For example, I’m really getting into one of the companions you can romance.. But as it turns out, a Lich can’t love someone so you don’t get to romance anyone.. Which sucks balls..

But I’m also in a place right now with a lot of enemies that use enervation, a spell that drains your level.. If you hit 0, you die.. And they stick around for 18 hours.. And I don’t have many spells to get rid of them cause it was never this big of an issue.. Plus my character is immune to it and half my party is undead, which also grants them immunity to it.. But of course.. The fucking horse one of my undead companions has.. ISN’T FUCKING UNDEAD.. Cause for some reason when I raised him from the dead, I didn’t raise his horse.. I just bought him a new one or something.. And I’ve already had it happen before that the horse died cause of the drain as it’s on the front fucking line and the primary target for the spell.. So I’ve been save scumming the fuck out of it so it doesn’t fucking die all the time.. And it just kills some of the fun and momentum.. Also.. Seeing characters roll less than 5 several times in a row.. While you only need a 6 to hit something.. Gets old.. FAST.. T.T

Did some more printing this week, as you can see by the images ^^ (Some of it is from last week though). But yea, sadly it didn’t all go well, the ass of the dragonfly (flying bug thing) failed twice now.. With the second print I added a bunch of infantry from the same set, but most of them failed one way or another.. While they didn’t fail completely and are still fine for like 95% of it, still sucks =<..

And then there’s this.. Was supposed to be a snake.. But I had some adhesion problems before, where the corners of a print would curl up and I heard that you might have to increase the bed temperature when you have a magnetic plate.. So I did.. And well.. This happened.. T.T.. Was supposed to be a toy for my nephew.. But I tried printing it the evening before the visit and there wasn’t any time left to try again.. Big sads =<

What’s next?


  • Add scenes to the dev tool
  • Add backgrounds and music to the dev tool
  • Show/Hide dolls from inside the dev tool
  • Allow inserting one new line at a time from inside the dev tool
  • Combat Gwen

Ecchi Sensei

  • More optimizations, yay =D


  • More Blender adventures

Look at that! I worked on TWO! Games this time =D.. Productivity rising!.. It’s still shit.. But.. At least it’s less shit =D.. Also managed to kick an item off the to do list!.. And then added one T.T.. But yay, improvement.. Or something..

I hope to finish up the showing and hiding of the dolls for BenX’s dev tool this week, as well as finalize the date lines for Ecchi Sensei’s text messages.

As for printing. I want to finetune my FDM printer so I can use it for more accurate parts that have to fit in tight places. It’s a bitch to do though, so I’ve been putting it off xD.. Might also try and build an enclosure for it cause the room it’s in is pretty cold and it’s not helping with my prints T.T.. I’ll probably do some more resin printing as well, but I’m running out of resin and was kinda hoping there’d be some kind of sale going with Black Friday and shit.. But sadly, no.. =<

And finally, Blender Guru released a new version of his donut tutorial for Blender 3.0.. While I never finished the first one, I kinda wanna do this one.. And actually finish it..

So yea.. Lots to do this week.. And I’m sure I’ll end up doing barely any of it.. PREPARING FOR DISAPPOINTMENT HYPE! =D



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