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A couple images planned for Valentines! Doing it now, so the public release lines up with it! :D

I have been considering making my Patreon a bit flashier. As it is now I think it is a bit bland! I am ironically not very creative, as evident by boring Post names-
For now I am considering of adding little thoughts to the images I post! Don't know how interesting those would be or if I'll even have anything to say!

For this piece I can say that I have added little value variety to the shading, making some edges pinker! I think it works, but I have to experiment a bit more. Beauty marks is a surprising addition that adds just a bit of a different vibe to spice up the image in my eyes. Forgot to add the tail and realized it at the last second, so I decided to paint a quick one just behind her instead of trying to add lineart and color etc.!

Hope you enjoy it^^ Do feel free to comment and like. I appreciate all of them even if I might not reply to everything <3



Toby The Fox

I do love the extra thoughts into your posts now, they add so much! Love your art as always <3


I wouldn't think the tail was a last minute addition if you hadn't told me