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Yes, I still haven't come up with a better name for her. But yeah, here's the poll winner!!

Also some factoids:

  • The Stellar have a standard rifle system with three different configurations and each type is identical to the other. The laser/IR, etc setup is part of the rifle.
  • There is no red dot/holographic sight since cyborgs like the Stellar don't gain any benefit from a single point of aim.
  • Stellar can tell where they are aiming by the relative positioning of their hands on the rifle, it's somewhat the same with handguns, too.
  • The integrated iron sights are just a back-up that never really gets used but they're there for those rare occasions.
  • Those are helical magazines, the rounds are stacked in a spiral inside.
  • The rifle platform isn't designed with conventional combat in mind, the adversary the Stellar faced require a lot of direct, non-discrete operations. It's a rifle for a full-on brawls, close-to-mid range combat.
  • I've had this idea for an axe blade stored in the buttstock so the rifle can be used as a melee weapon. Upon drawing this rifle for the second time (first time was just a concept sketch) I failed to realize the pistol grip might be in the way. For now I'm just gonna say the grip folds to the side. Not graceful but maybe I'll figure out a more graceful approach in future.




The muscliest legs known to man


'bringin' a 6 pack of tall boys to the party' 😎 except its 6 helical mags of rifle rounds instead of cans of miller lite That's some excellent Stellar building here!


Tickles me you recognized these are helical mags! Had folk asking me what they were.