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Okay I have to admit I didn't quite think this through BUT:

Those who are new to this pledge will receive TWO requests for March. At the core of it, you paid in full and deserve a February request, except I don't have the time. So to avoid any confusion or leave anyone feeling shortchanged - you guys will get two requests in March.

Previous holders of this tier will get one request since I am going to fulfill what you're owed by the end of this month.

Thank you! ❤️

EDIT: That is if you pay upon the 1st of next month, but I figure that was apparent. Just making sure to note it.



I cri. I was on the doodle request teir but I didnt see the change until recently and I'm bo longer that pledge, f in chat


Change happened just an hour ago, so. Thank you for your support in pledging prior!