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FINALLY! This took all night to upload…. Ok so this video gets a little jumpy at the end because we were running out of time, and i wanted to get it done so we didn’t have to delay it more. Overall i think it’s pretty good, and it’s a decent length. Anyway enjoy!

This will also be the LAST video available to everyone as i am changing the tiers. Aware will become screenshots and trailers, at $1/month, unaware will become screenshots, trailers and short clips (anything less than a minute) at $5/month, and Full access will stay the same but it will be much more exclusive than it is now, meaning all big clips will be posted there. That starts December 1st. As always reach out to me with any questions!

Stay Unseen!


Lyra Unaware Mom

Watch "Lyra Unaware Mom" on Streamable.



Enjoyed the vacuum scene here. Also I am subscribed to both of the current tiers. Do I need to change anything after you change the tiers? I want to make sure I get to see everything and not miss out on anything, the shrink ray video especially.

Edward Love

BRUH!! This is amazing....yeah, gimme a weak...this is going to have effects