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Maia McQueen sat on the concrete relaxing. It had been a long week and just decompressing from the events was exactly what she needed. As she sat there she noticed a little ant crawling around near her feet. She casually watched as it went this way and that looking for food. Suddenly she noticed the ant’s behavior had changed. Did it notice something? It did! The ant had its sights on a smaller bug. Maia giggled as she watched the smaller bug run for its life. Slowly but surely the ant started catching up to its prey. The ant tackled the tiny bug and the two wrestled on the ground. A rush of pity came over Maia, she felt bad for the bug and decided to help it. With one finger she crushed the tiny ant, freeing the smaller bug. She watched as it crawled from under the smashed body of the ant. Then it seemed to stop and look at her, almost as like it wanted her to pick it up so it could say thank you or something. Confused Maia shrugged it off. It was getting late and she decided it was time to go home. So she stood up and went on her way.

Helen ran looking for someone or something to help her. She had been walking through the park when she suddenly shrank. She had been this way for about 20 minutes now and there was no sign of anyone, that is until an enormous woman came walking by. She stopped and sat on the ground right in front of Helen. This was it, this was her chance to get help and get back to normal size. Helen jumped and screamed but it was no use, she was too tiny to be seen or heard.

Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she noticed an ant making its way towards her. Helen took of running as fast as she could. The ant was about the size of an elephant maybe a little smaller but regardless it was bigger than her. Despite her impressive sprint she was no match for the ant with six legs, and it finally caught her. Helen screamed as the ant’s pincers tried to bite her. She kicked and punched but it was no use. She looked up at the woman who looked back at her with a look of pity. Then suddenly the womans huge finger came into view and smashed the ant. The guts spewed all over tiny Helen’s body, drenching her in gooey slimy bug juice. Helen pulled herself from under the ant and looked up at the woman. She waved her arms and begged her for help. However the woman seemed uncaring and stood up. Helen marveled at the woman’s size as she walked away. Now all alone, Helen was lost in a now unfamiliar, unseen world.




would be nice to see in video format great story