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Katelyn opened the refrigerator door. She browsed through the fridge looking for anything that would sparked her appetite. her eyes finally fell on some vegetables, deli meat, bread, and cheese. “Oh yeah!” She exclaimed, forgetting that she had bought ingredients for a sandwich from the exotic market. What she didn’t know is that these particular ingredients were infested, infested with tiny people.

She grabbed the items and placed them on the counter. Then she grabbed some mayonnaise. Her stomach growled. The tiny people started to scramble. Some jumped for their lives others tried to get Katlyn’s attention, but it was no use. She was too hungry to notice them.

She began to assemble her sandwich, laying huge slabs of meat, lettuce, and tomatoes on top of the helpless people. She raised the sandwich to her mouth and took a huge bite. Tiny people were pulled into her mouth and chewed mercilessly. Sloshed this way and that by her huge tongue and crushed by huge molars.

“Mmmmmmmmm!” Katelyn moaned with delight. “This sandwich is so good!” She said as she took another bite. Tiny people who hadn’t been eaten yet watched in horror from the sandwich as Katelyn chewed her last bite. “God, whats in this?” She moaned. The tiny people couldn’t do anything but try to climb to a safer part of the sandwich but unfortunately for them, no where was safe.

Bite after bite more and more tiny people were chewed and swallowed as Katelyn continued to enjoy her sandwich. Until finally she was stuffed. Those that survived were left on the plate waiting to be washed down the drain. Those that survived the assault by Katelyn’s mouth and were swallowed alive were now slowly being digested alive. Katelyn sat down, stuffed. She gave her stomach a pat and enjoyed the quiet afternoon.



Lexy Lexy

I remember when she made a post in 2011 stating she was going to do a full blown HISTK unaware giantess remake. Then never did 😭

Lexy Lexy

As in all out: shrink ray, sweeping, trashed, taken to curb, lawn mower, and cereal vore?! That would be stunning. Lyric would be ideal as she gives off that mom vibe for sure. And can act in general.

World Unseen Films

Yeah the hardest parts would shooting the grass scenes. Like if i did it everyone would have to understand that this isn’t going to be a blockbuster remake lol