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Billy and Steve looked at the huge woman before them. They mysteriously shrunk several hours ago and had been making their way to Steve’s stepmom’s room. In that time they managed to cross the dinning room floor, slip under the bedroom door and climb Steves stepmom’s (Mrs. Banning) bed.

When they got to the top they were surprised to see her laying there naked. “Wow your stepmom’s tits are huge!” Said Billy. “Shut up!” Steve said annoyed at his friends remark. As embarrassing as this was Steve knew they both needed his stepmom more than anything!

“Ok you go to her phone, I’ll go right up the middle!” Said Billy. “Woah, why are you going up the middle?” Steve questioned his friends plan. Billy responded. “Do you really want to climb your own stepmom’s naked body? At least if i do it i can take in the sights.” A devious smile rolled across Billy’s face. Steve rolled his eyes “fine.”

Billy ran right between Mrs. Bannings legs. He stopped when he got to her crotch. Her huge hand rested on her thigh, slightly caressing it. “Oh yeah.” Billy said deviously. He started to climb her panties. Half way up however the world started to shake. Mrs. Banning was rolling over and as she did her thighs crashed together, sealing Billy between them.

Meanwhile, Steve was on his stepmom’s phone as she rolled over to pick it up. He jumped and yelled as she faced him but it was no use. She picked it up, not seeing her tiny stepson. He slid down the phones surface and landed between her breasts.

Mrs. Banning made a phone call. “Hi Cathy! I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out tonight? I’m so bored here in the house and Steve has a friend over.” Steve covered his ears as his stepmothers voice was impossibly loud at his size. Even though he couldn’t hear himself think he knew that he needed to run at the very least, so he took off. “Ok great, I’ll see you then!” Mrs. Banning hung up the phone. Just as she was about to get up she felt a little tickle in her cleavage. Carefully she scooped up the tiny ant that was crawling on her. It squirmed and wiggled between her fingers. “Sorry little guy, wrong place, wrong time.” She said as she squished the tiny bug. She examined her fingers for a moment. “Weird, I’ve never seen red bug guts before. Oh well, probably good i got it when i did.” She then wiped her fingers on her breast and headed to the shower to freshen up for the long evening ahead.

The End.



World Unseen Films

I think we are gonna do a video when Lyra gets back. So be prepared!

jessicas solz

Agreed more unaware stories and audio stories!!