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It's that time of the week, time for another update! Honestly, I'm glad I opted for a 2 week window this time because one week definitely wouldn't have cut it. So, what have I gotten done in the past week?

The car technically works, I just haven't actually added it to the game nor do I think it'll be accessible in the prologue. I think that'll be one of the first things that I unlock in Chapter 1. So, uh, enjoy walking for now I guess? Completely unrelated side note, a few days from now I'll be giving my game the abandoned tag over on the zone just to see how people react. The game is not abandoned, I just want to see what type of response, if any, it generates. The next status update's title wont say Status Update and will instead say "Abandoned" followed by a few sentences of why the game is abandoned, followed up with the actual status update. Frankly, I'm positive nobody reads this shit so it should be fun to watch. Ok, resuming the status update.

I went back and made a few slight changes to the meeting with Laura, and the event leading up to it. I went on to map out West Mountain Beach and the Dope Shop, and added smoking and banking to the game. You'll be able to roll up on any couch/chair/counter and smoke anywhere (for now); you'll also be able to use ATMs to deposit/withdraw money from several accounts. Go get that paper!

I followed that up with, you guessed it, advancing the story which amounted to mapping out the Dojo and Smithy. For clarification, when I say mapping out I mean editing the tile passability as the maps themselves have already been created. Crafting has now also been added to the game. I spent more time on this than I planned right now, but crafting is fully setup in terms of what the player will have access to in the prologue. Smithing and Tailoring will both be able to be leveled to 30, which will allow you to make "Epic" quality weapons and armors. It would take a hell of a lot of crafting to do that though, so I wouldn't advise power leveling it and just craft as you need to throughout the game.

My progress for the week stopped there, didn't even make it into the damn forest. Lol. That said, I still think I can bang the rest out in a week! A lot of the crafting stuff should've been "detail work" and I didn't need to do it now, but I did. To get to the forest, and get through it, not counting the Pleasure Palace, I just need to map out VNS, the police station maps (adding in the Adventurer's Insurance mechanic), and the hospital. Oh... and the mall maps, which I need to make 1 more of...... I mean I got this in a week. Yeah... After that, it's forest time! The forest needs to be mapped out and I need to create a few all new maps for it. Honestly, a week might not be enough time, but we'll see.

So, goal for the week, get the game to the Pleasure Palace. If I can do this, the following week I can work on the Palace and the Temple of Lust, which shouldn't take much time at all. The Palace, being a dungeon, is where the time will be spent. If I can also finish that in a week, that means 2 weeks from now, all the main content/mechanics for the update will be ready and I can focus on rendering and detail work. Let's hope I hit that goal! As always, thanks for playing and I hope you're enjoying the game. Well, what's there. Heh. Stay blessed!


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