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Alright, the game is out there and people are gonna do with it what they do with it. Hopefully you like it! Now that there is an actual release out, I'll be working to fix any bugs/oversights from the first release then moving on to writing out the next event. Before that though I'll setting up some of the plugin settings that will be used to control/monitor various stats for characters in the game. I've also bought access to the entire Visustella plugin library, the people responsible for all the plugins I'm using, so I should have access to all the plugins I need once they're created. One of the plugins central to my game will be available soon too and once I get my hands on it and put what systems I need to in the game, I'll be able to take the game out of "alpha" status.

For now, don't get attached to your save because you WILL have to restart. However, once I setup the plugin I'm working on now and get the plugin I'm waiting on, any future releases from that point on should be considered stable and your saves safe. Welp, that's all for now, I hope you enjoy the release!


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