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Status Update

I was rendering out the intro but I wasn't happy with how it was turning out so I decided to redo it and up the ante in the process. The intro is now going to be a full blown scene, non adult, with 7 characters. It's going to be a true test for my PC to render, it's doing great* btw, but it's not a complicated or long scene. I wanted to give a preview of the characters before you get into the game to let you know what you're getting yourself into. I don't want to spoil too much but I think you're going to like it. All other renders, except the additional face renders I literally just decided to do, are done. They shouldn't take that long. This scene... it shouldn't take long but see the * at the end.

MZ wise, I finally got out my feelings for overwriting the intro quest and redid it. Or at least started to. I'm almost done and could finish it in a few hours, tops, so I've been procrastinating on finishing it off. Since I'm going in this new, better, direction for the intro and renders will need more time, I'll go ahead and finish it then start to work on the next part of the story. Museum time! No matter where I'm at when renders are done I'll release what's ready. If I finish the museum stuff, how f*****g long did those renders take, I'll release that. If not, I'll do as initially planned and just keep the next area closed off. Now, on to the game updates/changes!

Game Updates/changes

For this post I'll be talking about current and planned updates/changes to the social systems in the game. No, not the relationship ones, that's a future post. Sorry. I'm talking about the Liberation/Karma/Sanity systems!  None of that sounds familiar? No? Not surprising, I've changed a lot of things.

Liberwhat, now?

You're probably asking yourself just what this "liberation" business is all about. I thought we were trying to corrupt these b*****s. Hey! That's not very nice and we, me, here at Dope Games advocate love and understanding. That's why you need to understand that you are not helping Dope corrupt these bit... ladies, you are helping to liberate them from their oppressed minds over foolish worldly notions of purity and chastity. Why be with one man whose going to cheat on you anyway when you can be with one man and a whole bunch of other hot women. There is no cheating, only love. Free yourself and embrace the love that Dope has to offer, experience true liberation! We're totally not starting some sort of weird sex cult over here, totally not. 😂😂😂

Liberation is its own stat has is measured by %. However, it is linked to the Karma stat as your nature is determined by your Liberation % and trending Karma. I'll talk more about Karma below, but in terms of liberation you can look at your Karma as being two types. Positive/good karma being your more vanilla style romance and Negative/bad Karma being your more hardcore/SM style relationships. There will be a bit of crossover between the two but that's basically how you should look at it. It's not about being good or bad so much as it as what style of sex do you like to see the most. I prefer vanilla so you might wanna go that route IJS.

Taking your Liberation and Karma into account, the game will give you a "nature" that reflects your current mental state. The states range from Deprave, if one is fully liberated with high negative karma. To Salacious, if one is fully liberated with high positive karma. I haven't fully worked out the middle natures, outside of neutral, but I'll probably have at least 2 levels for each side. Characters and NPCs in the game might comment on your nature or treat you differently.

All romancable characters will have a liberation level.

Ok, fine, no corrupting. What's this bit about karma?

Well, for a while I had this abstract notion of "karma" built into the game but it didn't really make sense. Like at first you'd get good or bad karma depending on the type of sex you had. Vaginal was good, anal was bad. *shrugs* Who am I to decide if you're an evil degenerate for doing anal, or not. *The f*****g dev* Oh... right. There were other issues but the main thing is I needed to split the liberation system and the "karma" system which was kinda built into the sex system. No bueno.

So I revamped the liberation system and added the karma system. Cool story bro, how's it work? Dope will now have three new stats: Positive Karma, Negative Karma, and Trending(net) Karma. When you do good karma...tf is wrong with me, when you do certain good things in the game you get positive karma. I know I could've erased that but it's not as authentic. When you do bad things, you get negative karma. Whenever you gain positive or negative karma, you also gain or lose trending karma. The more positive/negative karma you have, the higher karma tier you can unlock. The game determines your current karma level based on your trending karma. If it's positive, you'll be considered good and will have access to/more favor with "good" factions/events. Same for negative karma.

You'll never be locked out of any event, unless you fail it... due to not having enough of the required karma type.  You can go back and forth if you want between positive and negative. That said, some events will require higher karma levels and in order to unlock higher karma levels you need to accumulate more and more trending karma. There are 4 levels in total and karma isn't going to be overly easy to come by, so going from one extreme to the other isn't going to be easy or advised. You should really pick a side, unless you want to remain neutral, but then you will miss content. I may make a neutral faction though. We'll see. 

All/most main/chain side quests will have 3 different ways to finish them. You guessed it, good, evil, and neutral. Depending on your nature you'll be able to take different routes to complete quests. The neutral route can always be taken but some quest paths might require your karma to be a certain level to activate. That sounds like a lot but in many cases, primarily side quests and the like, it'll be an arbitrary decision. For example, person A wants information on monster B. You can either kill it and bring the corpse back (negative), capture it and bring it back (neutral), or go study it, maybe even film it and bring your findings back (positive). See, simple.

Only Dope will have a Karma level. Other characters will have nature preferences.

Ok, that all seems pretty standard. What the hell is this insanity stuff?

Welp, as you might could imagine, becoming the living embodiment of a primal emotion can come with some... side effects. Mental instability just happens to be one of those side effects. But hey, it's  not all doom and gloom. You'll be able to play through the game and not gain any insanity.  And if you're aiming for a good karma playthrough, this will be even easier. There will be two ways to gain insanity, abusing your powers and choices you make at the end of some quests.

I wont go into too much detail but most spells aren't going to increase your insanity. Only those that make permanent changes to the target or forcibly increase their love/liberation levels will increase insanity. Spells that do increase insanity only increase it by 1%, up to a certain point. On the other hand, quest choices can increase your insanity a variable amount depending on the quest. For example, Person A wants you to kill 10 monsters in a special area but you go out and kill 20. Look here bruh, monster lives matter. (You will be able to make certain monsters go extinct, humans do do this). 

If your insanity reaches a certain threshold at various points in the game you'll get an automatic game over. You won't have any choice in the options Dope has, you won't even get to see the choice, if there even was a choice, that Dope makes. Dope will either chose to do something insane right then or he'll take you down a path that you know isn't going to end well. Insanity is truly the only "bad" stat in the game. There is no way to actively lose it once gained, but it will slowly fall off and level every 10%. So if your insanity is at 55%, provided you don't do anything to increase it, it will slowly fall to 50% but it won't drop below 50% ever again. Long story short, watch that s**t.

You might be asking, If insanity is a "bad" stat, why the hell would I do insane actions and why do spells increase insanity if the game is about "liberation"?  Well, doing insane actions will have benefits on top of the drawbacks. For example, let's take that Person A that wanted you to kill 10 monsters. Lets say the 10 monsters they want you to kill happen to be super valuable and can be used to make teh good loots! If you kill 10 you might can make 1 or two things, but if you kill em all... decisions decisions. As far as the spells go, the game will give you more than enough ways to charm the pants off any character, spells included, that you meet. I'm not going to let you just take the easy way out and magic your way to victory, more to the point, forcibly altering a persons mind to become your sla... like you is bad, Charles! Mmkaaay! 😂😂😂

Only Dope and the other "sins" will have insanity levels. Only the ones you can recruit matter in terms of the player keeping under control.

Alright, that's enough from me. I don't know if I said all I needed to say but if I didn't say it then it didn't need to get said. G'day!

*I say things are rendering fine, and they are, but that's a relative term. It's going to take a while. My video card is pretty good but my processor is gimping things. No worries though, It'll get done!



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