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Hi guys, 

we fixed the shader bug and tested it extensively, so you shouldn't have this issue no more. You will be able to actually see the game now.

We've left some scenes out as they were still giving us some trouble during this testing week but we'll put them back in a few days to close the introductory chapter. This update ends after the first interaction with Olianne. Keep that in mind before you go crazy trying to find out what to do next. 

There will be some performance issues as we have yet to focus on that. We disabled the physics until then. Lila's boobs will lose some charm but hopefully not all of it.

Remember this update is the first one from the "official" development stage so everything is rough and a unpolished. Navigation is clunky and sometimes hard to follow, the UI is not functional yet and some user experiencie modules are off. We'll be solving everything through small weekly updates from this point on while we work on the bigger ones with more content, characters and scenarios. 

Let me know what you think, It helps me prioritize tasks and is a good way to know if we are on the right track. You can do that through comments, our discord channels or via DM.

Next week we'll begin posting about our immediate roadmap and resume with media posts, content polls, etc... 

Much Love!


Peach Hills Academy V0.11b


