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Hi guys,

Finally after days of battling with the shader compilation in unity we managed to make it work. While this build is on EarlyAccess we’ll release a version for DirectX12 and Vulkan and see what works better for the project as this one with DX11 is giving us hell right now. Both will will be out next week.

We left the full UI in event tough its not functional yet. This so you can see the idea once the main game loop is on and the stats and perks are active.

Everything is a little rough but thats the idea of a game in development. From this point on our plan is to polish everything on every update while adding content, new characters and modules.

If you encounter any issue please tell us via discord so we can solve it quickly.

By the way, next week we'll refund everyone for this month. 

Thanks guys for your patience.

Much Love







I couldn't find the discord to report bugs. Black screen for anything outside of cutscenes Got as far as opening with Vinny and reading the note,


https://discord.gg/Cf7gGKcb I already try to report. Had exactly the same problems...


Seems some antivirus software does not like this at all. Norton nuked over 20 files in the rar. Most were DLL files and related to unity. Restoring all files gave same result as mentioned. Blackscreen and some text. Mediafire also has "antivirus" built in. Maybe that killed some files off after uploading it ?