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hmm, i take like 20 minutes per shower, usually twice a day, 95% of the time it’s hot water, pretty thorough when cleaning like with a washcloth and stuff. The one thing i could say about my showers are that they’re too damn lonely 😔


Depends on the time I have. I usually just take a quick warm shower before work but if I have more time i take a bath beforehand to relax.


when i get up before work, usually 30 mins. i take my time and relax. my favorite part of the day. and best when you have a buddy.

Sleepy Prince

I just take a warm/hot shower when I get home from work or around 6-7, that way I can relax the rest of the night, but I do the standard body wash, comb hair, dry and put on moisturizer, hair products and face routine