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An absolute icon and among the baddest of asses.

Blaze fielding is the iconic heroine of the Streets of Rage Franchise, one of two playable characters from all four games, and the driving force of the story - she's the one who uncovered Mr. X, she's the one that found other cops to go after him, she's the one that took the heat for saving her city and was turned out. She's awesome. Streets of Rage 4 is also awesome of you are, like me, a fan of beat-em-ups. 

This version of Blaze is designed to be used with Chains of the Irkalla, a bondage-based supplement for Fifth Edition that's all about capturing, taming, and training heroines so you can go capture more superheroines. Imagine it as Pokemon for sadists or masochists, with options to play as captor or captive, alone or in a group. You can download a copy for free at www.deviantart.com/hunteropera… or at www.patreon.com/posts/chains-o….

You can find other targets on my patreon or at www.deviantart.com/hunteropera….

Official artwork from Sega and DotEmu used. Seriously, though, play this game. It's awesome and out on everything.


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