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There is no escape. Can the people Nat rescued help rescue her? 

One of the last freebie chapters in this tale, as most of the rest are for subscribers at the $7+ tier, so if you're not already a subscriber why not change that and get the whole story and pretty art? Check your options at www.deviantart.com/hunteropera…? Everything posted here can also be found at my Patreon, so if you're not comfortable with deviantArt subscriptions, you can always go and join there: www.patreon.com/hunteropera/po…

I post artwork I like and link back to it and chat about this and my other stories over on discord; you can find a link on my front page. There's also a ko-fi if you'd like to tip your writer: ko-fi.com/hunteropera

Some of my older stories can be found here as single purchases if you're not down with subscriptions: https://hunteropera.gumroad.com/

Good reading, and we start February with more Black Widow and a return to the Streets of Rage. 

This chapter is 2, 203 words long.


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