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Fleshed out for your hunting pleasure - Diva, Beyo, and Riha, as found in Streets of Rage 4 and a story I've been working on and that you can read here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/streets-of-rage-88304709

The Crones are brutal on their own and vicious together, with a variety of skills, elemental attacks, and means of causing harm that can be problematic for even a seasoned team of Irkallans. Do you think you're up for the task of their capture and taming? 

Streets of Rage 4 is awesome, yo. Nothing more to be said. 

This version of the group I'mcalling the Crones - Diva, Beyo, and Riha - is designed to be used with Chains of the Irkalla, a bondage-based supplement for Fifth Edition that's all about capturing, taming, and training heroines so you can go capture more superheroines. Imagine it as Pokemon for sadists or masochists, with options to play as captor or captive, alone or in a group. You can download a copy for free at www.deviantart.com/hunteropera… or at www.patreon.com/posts/chains-o….

You can find other targets here on my patreon.

Official artwork from Streets of Rage 4 used. Beautiful game is beautiful. In the words of some strange old drunken chess-playing mystics I once met at the time of a mountain, go play, have fun. 

We'll hit Alice Liddell later this month.


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