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Mr. X was defeated, returning peace to Wood Oak City. The heroes who saved the day were not rewarded, but they remained vigilant, waiting for another attack that no one else that would come. 

That attack is here. 

The first part of a new story, Streets of Rage: Bare Struggle plays off the non-North American title of the game, Bare Knuckle. I'm gonna get into some politics with this one, but it's mostly going to be the Y it wins being horrible, followed by a twist ending. Should be about ten chapters all told. TW for the usual - kidnapping, slave training, forced nudity, humiliation, all that fun stuff. If you're not into it, cool - do not read this. Thank you. 

The art was done by @BalthaZarDragon, experimenting with a new style that I think ended up looking quite snazzy. What do you think? 

I'm also on discord at discord.gg/m2wGHv3e if you'd like to chat and ko-fi if you'd like to tip your writer: ko-fi.com/hunteropera

Beyond that, good reading, have a good weekend, and we'll be back next week with the next parts of the Bergman Affair remaster and Queen Takes Bishop Issue #7.  

This chapter is 3, 063 words long.



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