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Now with more art! 

Beyond that, it is identical to the previous version. From there: 

"Elizabeth Swann is captured and sold by agents of the East India Trading Company. 

This one really got away from me. I was all, "I'll have a couple of images and a couple thousand words and it'll be good," and instead I ended up with *this*. I think this is one of the most relentlessly vicious stories I've ever written, and I immediately contacted BalthaZarDragon and said "I am going to need more art." He read an early draft and agreed. That art is coming, and the art I had done for this story prior to writing it is just kind of there, floating in limbo for now. There's more art coming, and I'll re-release this when I've got that art and can format it in. For now, though, this. 

This story is, of course, meant for subscribers at the $5+ tier. If you like my stories in general, you are going to want to read this one, so why not take a look at your options at www.deviantart.com/hunteropera…? Everything posted here can also be found at my Patreon, so if you're not comfortable with deviantArt subscriptions, you can always go and join there: www.patreon.com/hunteropera/po…

I'm also available to chat about this and my other stories over on discord at discord.gg/m2wGHv3e and ko-fi if you'd like to tip your writer: ko-fi.com/hunteropera

Beyond that, have a good weekend and we'll be back next week with the next part of the Force Retaken and Vexxing Vex. Until then, have fun out there. 

This story is 10, 636 words."



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