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Taemin takes control of our very souls with his special brand of magic (and sick beats)


TAEMIN Stone Heart + Do It Baby live at Arena Tour 2019 Reaction (OUT OF CONTROL!!)

Taemin takes control of our very souls with his special brand of magic (and sick beats)



Absolutely mesmerizing, our Taemin! I love Stone Heart too (and now Do It Baby). His dancers are fire, especially Santa and his beautiful aerials etc. Thank you so much for making my day, month, year, Tors1e!


I swear I have almost an out of body experience every time I watch Taemin at budokan. At the very beginning when the screen comes on before Danger starts. I can feel him sucking me into his world and his grip on me does not let up till the lights come back on at the end. And then it’s like I’ve lost something precious. It’s not even my favorite concert of his but there is something magical about it. Maybe it because it was the first concert I saw of his. Thank you for watching with us! I can’t wait for off sick next week! It’s so beautiful 😍


I very much feel the way you described feeling about Taemin to almost an uncomfortable degree. His work is astounding and he’s gorgeous and and he’s an ARTIST of an impossible caliber. I don’t have any real life friends who like Kpop and so it’s very validating to see someone who has these feelings as well. Perhaps TMI, but I was recently diagnosed as bipolar and, while I’m more or less finally successfully medicated, I sometimes second guess myself about if my reactions and fixations to Taemin are unhealthy. I am fully aware that he’s a real person behind the persona and have no weird delusions and am fully grounded so I’m not one of “those” people. I’ve spoken to my therapist about it and she says “as long as it doesn’t interfere with your work and you keep a healthy perspective and it makes you happy, you’re good.” I’m also ADHD which causes hyperfixation. So there’s that too. So basically: yes, I feel you deeply. Taemin has been there for me during some dark times. I am constantly in awe of him in all the ways one can be, as an artist, as a person (as much as he shares with us at least) and, of course, how IMPOSSIBLY beautiful he is. I’m so proud of his growth over the years and Advice was an amazing sort of F you to the haters (though I really doubt he has many…) and, perhaps the industry/SM(?????????) as a whole for keeping him in a box creatively and perhaps personality wise. I’m sending all the good vibes to him while he’s healing. I know how long of a process it can be but I’m so glad he’s now in a familiar place and is getting the love and help he needs.