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Hi friends,

I know we planned to watch a bunch of fun videos together this week, but unfortunately I have some sad news.

My husband and I will be saying goodbye to our beloved old dog tomorrow. 

Cancer has finally gotten the better of her.

I'll need to take a few days after she's gone. 

I'll stay in touch as much as I can, and we can lift our spirits together when I'm back.

Much love to you all, I hope you and your loved ones stay happy and safe over the holidays.

💖 Torsie



Aaawww, sorry for your loss... i have a dog too and I would probably feel the same when it's time for her to say goodbye..


Please take care of yourself! Its never easy to cope with loss, so come back after you've felt a little better! We'll always be here waiting for you!


I'm so sorry for you, please take your time and take care of yourself


I'm so sorry for your loss. Take all the time you need! A big hug!

sabina schou

i'm so sorry to hear this ! <3 take as much time as you need . big hugs to you. losing a pet is difficult.


I'm so sorry, Tors. Take all the time you need. Sending love ❤


Sending you love and hugs across the miles, Tors1e.