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The master of vocal dynamics delivers another pitch perfect performance, while driving Torsie slowly mad.


KEY One of Those Nights Live at Music Core Reaction (RINGING A BELL!!)

The master of vocal dynamics delivers another pitch perfect performance, while driving Torsie slowly mad.



I just failed miserably at basic comment posting 101. After writing a short essay on Key's voice and why I love it so much, I seem to have forgotten the vital final step and it's disappeared (perhaps it was for the best). Anyway I love the new album - very biased towards Helium just because of how dramatic and seductive it is but also big fan of 'Bad Love' and 'Eighteen'. Great video choice for this week. If you ever want to see Key go more in the opposite direction and just start at breakneck speed, I strongly suggest the performance of his Japanese single Hologram at Yokohama Arena in 2018 https://youtu.be/nzEnIuvAkMY.

sabina schou

just saw his stages today! he did bad love, AND yellow tape and i think tomorrow is helium! oh my ... he OWNS the stages! so proud to be shawol.


Ah excellent - I must see those asap! I loved him opening Groks in the Keyland with 'Helium' followed up by 'Yellow Tape'. Those songs go so well together!

sabina schou

oh my gosh yes! i first could NOT place it either! i asked around WHAT DOES HE REMIND YOU OF?! but no one could tell me, so i just had to give up... But yes. his voice is FULL. it is electric. satisfying. clear. sexy. i just ... it's my favorite voice i think i have ever heard but i can't say why. lol


Well I don’t know about you, but every time I hear Key’s voice it reminds me of a brass instrument. It can be very smooth when he is singing softly, but when he is belting it pierces through.